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Harry Arons

Harry Arons

(1914 - September 9th, 1997)

Arons learned hypnosis from his grandfather in Lithuania, who was a friend of Rasputin. As a teenager Harry moved to the US with his family where he started to perform hypnosis on stage. In the 1940s he wrote Master Course in Hypnotism, in the 1950s he was an associate editor of Journal of Hypnotism, and later he became director of the Ethical Hypnosis Training Center in South Orange, New Jersey.

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★★★ $10
Harry Arons
How to Develop an Alarm Clock Mind by Harry Arons

Now you can be like Jack Reacher, with an innate ability to wake yourself at a time of your choosing, as long as you "set" your internal clock before falling asleep. What an amazing ability! Here's a brilliant manuscript about auto-suggestion or self-hypnosis. Based upon actual experience.

Contains much information about this fascinating phase of hypnosis that can't be found elsewhere. Recommended for anyone interested in the possibilities of hypnotizing him- or herself.

From the Introduction by B. W. McCarron:

I was first exposed to the concept of the Alarm Clock Mind by reading about the exploits...

★★★★ $8
Harry Arons
How to Make Money with Hypnotism by Harry Arons

Do you have a hypnotic act or a sincere interest in hypnotism? You can make a good living with a career in the hypnosis field. This ebook shows you how.

Schools of hypnotism, as well as numerous correspondence courses and books, are turning out large numbers of newly-minted hypnotists every year. Most of these men and women are completely at a loss as to how to apply their talent, or attempt to break into fields in which legal or ethical restrictions conflict with their limited educational and other qualifications. Don't waste years of time and energy in dead-end activities and experimentation....

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