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Herbert Asbury

Herbert Asbury

(Farmington, Missouri: September 1st, 1891 - New York City, NY: February 24th, 1963)

Herbert Asbury was an American journalist and writer best known for his true crime books during the 19th and early 20th centuries. He enlisted as a private for World War I and was later promoted to sergeant and second lieutenant. His name to fame came when he wrote in 1926 an article for The American Mercury about a prostitute from his hometown in Farmington. The article caused a sensation. In Boston, the magazine was banned. This caused a boom for the Mercury as trying to ban such stories has only the opposite effect. Everybody wanted to read it.

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Herbert Asbury
Sucker's Progress by Herbert Asbury

An informal history of gambling in America from the colonies to Canfield.

Inside flap:

Sucker's Progress is the first attempt to write a connected history of the most prevalent of venial sins, and traces the history and development of gambling in America from the card and dice games in the back rooms of colonial taverns to the days of Richard Canfield the last of the great American gamblers. The book is concerned with the picturesque and spectacular features of gambling, and only incidentally with its morals.

The author commences with a survey of the origin and development of the principal...