Containing full directions for making magic toys and devices of many kinds.
- Jumping Jack
- The Magic Mouse
- The Indian Tumbler
- The Dancing Dolls
- The Skip-Jack
- The Magic Cube Box
- The Weather Prophets
- The Rooking Ship
- The Prancing Horse
- The Automatic Tumblers
- The Spring-board Dancing Sailor
- The Automaton Smoker
- The Bottle Imp
- The Magic Candle
- Dancing Marionettes
- The Camera Obscura
- The Magic Lantern
- The Ludion
- The Salamander, or the Dancing Ring
- The Fountain Top
- The Zoetrope
- The Praxinoscope
- A Magic Microscope
- How to See Through a Brick Wall
- To Show that Rays of Light do Not Obstruct Each Other
- The Thaumatrope
- The Four-Sided Thaumatrope
- The Phantasmascope or Magic Wheel
- The String and Button Trick
- The Magic Ring
- The Automatic Walker
- The Equestrian
- The Mechanical Elephant
- Leapfrog
- How to Make a Useful Miniature Windmill
- How to Make a Miniature Geyser
- The Magic Ring and Loop
- Shadowmania
- The Japanese Ball Trick
- The Cosmorama
- The Double Headed Puzzle
- Hot Air Whirligig
- A Water Whirligig
- The Boxers
- The Magic Mirror
- Problem of Draughts
- A Trick a la Maskelyne & Cook
- Theater Magic
- The Magic Wheel
1st edition 1902, 62 pages; PDF 47 pages.
word count: 15521 which is equivalent to 62 standard pages of text