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Howard Ray Lawrence

Howard Ray Lawrence

This author has a continued interest in magic for over 70 years. He wishes to share that experience with his readers.

Howard is a native of San Francisco, California. He holds degrees of B.Arch and M.A in Art from The University of California at Berkeley. He has lived and worked in England. He has taught at Birmingham Polytechnic and St. Martin's School of Art in London. He has been a faculty member at The City College of San Francisco, Hampton Institute in Virginia, The University of Kansas, and The Pennsylvania State University. He has been an academic for almost 30 years after architectural practice.

Howard is a retired architecture professor. Howard is involved with magic, sculpture, architecture and genealogy.

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★★★★ $20
Howard Ray Lawrence
27 Illusions by Howard Ray Lawrence

This PDF would not exist, if it were not for one of those rare coincidences. The content of this ebook was locked away on a set of 16 microfiche since the mid-70s under a title and categorization inaccessible to magic keyword searches. No more than 50 people have seen it or are aware of its existence. And since most of those 50 folks have nothing to do with magic it is a publication completely unknown in the magic community.

It is a remarkable set of plans for 27 illusions which 27 students of architecture at Penn State University under the guidance of Prof. Howard Ray Lawrence produced during...