Hugh Mackay
(Edinburgh, Scotland: 9th June 1890 - 9th July 1943)
Amateur magician and mentalist. Used pen names of "Dr. S. Holmes" and "Sirius". Wrote Classical Conjuring (1925), A System for Card Signals (1926), A Transmitter for Telepathists (1928), A Monograph on Card Transmission (1934, 8pp), Card Prediction by Indexes and other Tricks (1935).
Edited Magical Criticisms 1921-22, 1942 (11 issues), Magical Observer 1923-25 (24 issues), The Outlook on Magic 1927-32 (8 issues); The Phoenix 1931-33 (2 issues); Puzzle Page 1936 (2 issues), Literary Selections for Conjurers 1938-39 (4 issues), and Periodic Epistle to Conjurers 1942 (1 issue).