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Isn't It Wonderful?
by Charles Bertram

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Isn't It Wonderful? by Charles Bertram

A history of magic interwoven with Charles Bertram's recollections.

From the introduction:

The profession of conjuring, if not the most ancient, is certainly one of the oldest professions in the world, and, before commencing my account of the efforts made by a humble professor of the art, I trust that the reader may be interested by a short sketch of its history. Without this, it is possible that he might receive a book relating to the conjurer's art with a shrug of the shoulders. But conjuring, if it has now drifted down to the level of mere entertainment, has played its part in the history of the world; and even nowadays I am prepared to hold that it is an art which, if it is not the intellectual peer of painting or poetry for instance, still demands the devotion of a lifetime and a natural aptitude, if not genius, from him who would excel in it.

  • Introduction
  • My Introduction To The Art Of Conjuring
  • Some Notable Performances
  • People Whom I Have Met
  • Public Performances
  • Illusions, etc.
  • Dodges
  • False Shuffles
  • "Sharps On The Turf"
  • Some Incidents
  • Explanations Of A Few Tricks
  • Hints To Amateurs
  • L'envoie
1st edition 1896, 302 pages; PDF 111 pages.
word count: 54123 which is equivalent to 216 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Biographies & History

Magic & Mentalism / Published 1800-1899