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James William Elliott

James William Elliott

(27th April 1874 - 28th January 1920)

Born in Rumford, Maine. Learned at age 10 from amateur father. Retired as physician to be a pro cardman. Toured as 'Bosco' with the 'Le Roy-Talma-Bosco' troupe 1913-17. Invented the Spelling Trick (1910). Died of diabetes.

See Elliott's Last Legacy (1923, compiled by Clinton Burgess, edited by Oscar Teale, and published by Harry Houdini).

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James William Elliott
Elliott's Last Legacy by James William Elliott

Elliott was a very popular magician. Particularly some of his card effects were considered best of its kind. Nobody knew the secrets to some of Elliott's tricks. People waited impatiently for the release of this book. But it was met with some disappointment that not all of Elliott's tricks were described. We do not know which tricks these critics mean. The reason might well be that Elliott died before he could finish his book. Burgess and Houdini had to collect Elliott's notes and fill in some of the missing explanations. However, Elliott and Houdini believed that all the material in this book was...