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Jerome Finley

Jerome Finley

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Coauthors: Devin Knight

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Devin Knight & Jerome Finley
Cloud Busting Secrets by Devin Knight & Jerome Finley

Make clouds vanish, appear and more. With a preface by Paolo Cavalli and a foreword by Enrique Enriquez.

Two of the world's foremost 'Cloudbusters' reveal their inner secrets of cloud magic!

In this ebook the authors strip away the veil of secrecy, revealing cloud secrets only known to a select few. Learn to make clouds vanish and appear. Sculpture them into images of selected playing cards, thought of numbers, ESP symbols, faces, and even animals.

Nothing is held back. Apparently change the weather by delaying rain or snow or even by making it warmer. Believe it or not you can do a...

★★★★ $25
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