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Jerry Pottier

Jerry Pottier

Gerald Pottier (Jerry) got busy after publication of Volume III, Advanced American. He moved to Baltimore, MD where he earned an MBA and a Doctorate in Religious Education. Upon returning to Sierra Vista, AZ with his wife Cher, Dr. Pottier was ordained a minister in the Southern Baptist Convention and pastored churches in Sierra Vista and Bisbee. While in Bisbee he and co-author Chris Hasney resumed work on this book and were able to do enough to finally now bring it to readers as promised way back in 1998. Jerry and Cher are retired in Sierra Vista. Due to the ravages of Alzheimer’s Jerry no longer plays bridge, but Bridge Base Online (BBO) players may recognize him from his days playing as AABook4.

Coauthors: Chris Hasney, Alain Lacourse

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Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier
Jacoby Super Accepts by Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier

Want to know more about Jacoby Transfer Super Accepts? This excerpt from The Advanced American Bidding System may be helpful. What the heck, it's FREE. Give it a look.

Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier
American Bidding System Bundle by Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier

Both ebooks in this bundle are necessary for a full understanding of this advanced bidding system.

Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier
The Expert American Bidding System by Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier

Expert American, Volume IV in The American Bridge Series, culminates the work begun in 1998 by bridge student Chris Hasney and expert player and system design theorist Dr. Gerald Pottier (Jerry). Volumes I and II, Basic and Intermediate American, covered the card game contract bridge from novice to duplicate tournament Flight C and B levels using Standard American bidding methods. Volume III, Advanced American, married those methods with others modified from other systems or newly designed by Dr. Pottier. It has been played successfully in tournaments in Flight A at the regional and national level. This work completes the task begun...

Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier & Alain Lacourse
Le système d'enchères américain intermédiaire by Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier & Alain Lacourse

Le volume II, le système d’enchères américain intermédiaire, effectue la transition aux méthodes modernes incluant les ouvertures à deux faibles. Il enseigne toutes les notions du « standard » américain d’une façon qui intègre ses formes variées. Ne vous méprenez pas sur le terme « intermédiaire ». Plusieurs joueurs de duplicata croient avoir atteint ce niveau lorsqu’ils ne peuvent plus jouer dans les parties novices. Ce n’est pas le cas. Le niveau « intermédiaire », tel que défini par les auteurs, peut qualifier certains joueurs ne possédant aucun point de maître...

Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier & Alain Lacourse
Le système d'enchères américain de base by Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier & Alain Lacourse

La série américaine de Bridge

La série américaine de bridge est un ensemble de cours successifs sur les enchères. Elle est adaptée à l’apprentissage autodidacte ou de classe sous la supervision d’un enseignant de bridge professionnel. Les volumes I à III incluent des notions de jeu de déclarant et de défense qui sont reliées aux niveaux d’enchères enseignés dans chaque livre. Le volume IV est réservé aux vrais experts ; par conséquent, les leçons de jeu de déclarant et de défense n’ont pas été incluses car cela serait une insulte. La série complète nécessite...

Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier
The Advanced American Bidding System by Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier

Volume III, The Advanced American Bidding System presumes a complete understanding and skill with all of the material in Volume II. However, some of the Volume II material is repeated for intended redundancy, since the authors suspect that many folks who shouldn't be attempting to study Volume III will do so anyway. After all, "I'm a Life Master, I must be Advanced." The authors suggest that anyone not comfortable playing in Flight A at an ACBL regional or national tournament, or the World Bridge Federation (WBF) or other governing body equivalent thereof avoid purchase and study of Volume III until they have...

Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier
The Intermediate American Bidding System by Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier

Volume II, The Intermediate American Bidding System, makes the transition to modern methods including weak two openings. It teaches all of the pieces of "Standard" American in a way that integrates all of the varied forms of same. Don't be thrown by the term "intermediate." Many duplicate players think that they have reached that level when they can no longer play in novice games. Not so. "Intermediate," as defined by the authors, can vary from folks with zero ACBL masterpoints to 2500 masterpoints. It's not the points that count, it's the skill level.

1st edition 1998; 186 pages.

Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier
The Basic American Bidding System by Chris Hasney & Jerry Pottier

The American Bridge Series is designed as a sequential set of bidding courses, suitable for self-study or classroom-style study under the guidance of a professional bridge teacher. Volumes I through III include declarer play and defense skills as they relate to the bidding skills taught in each text. Volume IV is reserved for true experts; thus, declarer play and defense lessons would be an insult and are not included. The entire series takes about five years of study and practice to complete.

Volume I, The Basic American Bidding System, was written for beginners and for social players who...

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