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Jez Starr

Jez Starr

Jez Starr a magician, mentalist and bizarrists from the UK. Jez likes to tell stories of the strange and unusual, perform weird experiments and odd demonstrations, and generally give his audience something new to witness and something new to think about. This idea of bringing something original has lead Jez to create some bizarre bizarre props that bring the old into the new.

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Bestselling Products for Jez Starr


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Jez Starr
Smoulder Paper by Jez Starr

In this ebook you will learn how to make your very own Smoulder Paper. Smoulder Paper, unlike Flash paper, smoulders away slowly and dramatically with no flames. Smoulder Paper is controllable and can leave parts of the paper untouched and unburned.


  • List of all materials
  • Tips and tricks
Easy and Cheap to make!

1st edition 2011; 20 pages.

Jez Starr
Picture Flame Scripts by Jez Starr

In this ebook you will be given six new and original scripts for use with the Picture Flame.


  • Full colour example images
  • Different handlings
  • Scripts for Magicians, Mentalists, Bizarrists and Storytellers

1st edition 2011; 25 pages.

★★★★★ $25
Jez Starr
Picture Flame by Jez Starr

The Picture Flame is a device for burning or smouldering any image in a normal looking picture frame without coming into contact with it. Very dramatic and visual. No liquids, No gases, No flash products! Can be used as a reveal, a prediction, a psychic experiment etc.

In this ebook you will learn how to build your very own Picture Flame from the ground up.


  • full colour photos
  • list of all materials and tools
Over a years worth of Research and Development, so you don't have to.

1st edition 2011; 43 pages.

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