John Calvert
(New Trenton, Indiana: 5th August 1911 - )
Born Elbern Madren Calvert. Legally "John Calvert" since 1940. Inspired in 1919 (age 8) seeing Howard Thurston show. Semi-pro with Ralph Pierce (alternating as each others assistant) until 1933. Full-time pro since 1934 as illusionist, manipulator, and close-up artist.
First movie appearance was in Honky Tonk (1941) where he doubled for Clark Gable in the card-sharping takes. Thence starred in several feature films until 1948.
First of several world tours with his large troupe began in 1949. Pet effects: Dancing Hank, T&R Magazine, Flying Organ, and Vanishing Elephant. 1983 AMA Performing Fellowship; 1989 AMA Masters Fellowship. SAM Hall of Fame. 1998 Christopher Lifetime Achievement Award.
Since 1988 at Holiday Inn Grand Cayman with his principal assistant (and wife) Tammy. Noted for his succession of private planes and luxury yachts (the most recent being the 65-foot The Magic Castle II) with which he tours the world. Retired in Oct 1995.
Invented Buzz Saw (head version), Haley's Comet, Flying Saucer, etc.