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John Palfreyman

John Palfreyman

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John Palfreyman
Magic in a Game (used) by John Palfreyman

Stapled booklet in like-new condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

★★★★★ $5
John Palfreyman
Magic in a Game by John Palfreyman

From the Foreword by Ali Bongo:

So the telephone rings and the client says ... "Can you provide two hours entertainment?" ... "Of course!" ... you say, doing a quick bit of mental arithmetic to double your normal fee. Having confirmed the booking, you make a bee-line for the book-shelf to search for this book. Because this book ... plus a few bits and bobs ... will furnish the wherewithal for that extra hour of entertainment.

Think of the advantages! You need only do one show in an afternoon instead of two ... no mad dash when the first show runs late ... less packing ... less wear and tear on...

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