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Joseph Ernest Meyer

Joseph Ernest Meyer

(1878 - 9th March 1950)

Joseph Meyer was a Hammond, Indiana 'renaissance man,' having achieved fame as a botanist, a mail-order dealer, author, bank president and as an exposer of crooked gambling methods. Meyer began his working life as a printer, having been taught the trade at a Milwaukee, Wisconsin orphanage. He worked as a newspaper reporter in Chicago and Hammond, Illinois. His first book, typeset on the coated, yellow paper intended for the printing of labels, was Protection—the Sealed Book, published in 1901. Meyer not only did the reporting and research, but he typeset and printed the book himself. To avoid possible reprisal from gamblers and purveyors of crooked gaming supplies, whose methods he exposed, he listed his place of business as Milwaukee. Meyer found success marketing herbs and herbal products, founding the Indiana Botanical Gardens, which is still in business. At his death, Meyer was said to be the world’s largest supplier of medical-grade herbs. He also founded Meyer Publishing (now MeyerBooks), and the Calumet National Bank. Among Meyer's other books are The Herbalist and Herb Doctor (1918), The Herb Doctor and Medicine Man (1922), and Nature's Remedies (1934).

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Joseph Ernest Meyer
Protection: the sealed book by Joseph Ernest Meyer

An underground classic, now available as an ebook! This amazingly insightful book, written by a newspaper reporter, contains full details of gambling devices and methods used by professionals to beat and cheat casinos and other players.

Also described and illustrated are rigged carnival and gambling games, card gambling games, marked cards, holdouts, and much, much more.

Not content to describe methods that others may also have exposed, Meyer went the extra step to purchase the rights to gambling systems that sold for as much as $25 each. These are also detailed, in their various author's...