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Liar/Truth Teller Carnival Sign
by Dave Arch

#2 Patter, Plots & Scripts author

(8 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Liar/Truth Teller Carnival Sign by Dave Arch

Whichever technique you use from sophisticated electronics to that of a logic puzzle foundation, this free antique sign graphic might help you set the stage for your "which hand" routine as you show the picture and talk about the system you recently learned as used by carnival hustlers working the midway many years ago. In my case, I also find that having the participant hold a small charm pig in one hand (if they choose to be a liar) or a little charm angel in their hand (if they choose to be a truth teller) helps to keep them more consistent in their answers. I carry the little charms in a small velvet bag as part of my presentation. If it fits your performing style, I hope you find this graphic useful.