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Lloyd W. Chambers

Lloyd W. Chambers


He was a builder of finely-crafted magical effects and owner of the Chambers Manufacturing Co., of Topeka, Kansas. He later relocated the business to Clearwater, Kansas. Early in his magic career, he performed at lodges and schools under the stage name of Waldy Waldron. Chambers taught high school from 1933 to 1941 in Topeka, then joined the Navy the same year, serving for four years as a senior Lieutenant. After the war, he made equipment - primarily in wood - for magic dealers, including Thayer, Abbott’s, and his own Chambers Magic Co.

Lloyd contributed material to the Linking Ring, Sphinx, and Genii magazines. He was a member of the I.B.M., S.A.M., P.C.A.M., and the Magic Dealer’s Association. A sudden heart attack took Chambers in January 1960, at age 53.

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★★★★★ $5
Lloyd W. Chambers
Original Ideas in Magic by Lloyd W. Chambers

A master craftsman reveals some of his most prized magical effects!

Lloyd W. Chambers is well-known in magic and collector circles for having built some very fine examples of the conjuror's craft for the likes of Thayer, Abbott, and his own Chambers Magic Co. Within the pages of this ebook are 26 magic effects, many of them offered for sale individually in dealer catalogues for prices far exceeding the price of the entire book.

Here's a look at the contents:

  1. Publisher's Introduction
  2. L-W-C Telepathy
  3. Fisherman's Mat
  4. How Time Flies
  5. Mawe's Telepathy
  6. A Match for You
  7. The Flying Ball ...