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Lu-Brent's Exclusive Card Mysteries
by Charles C. Eastman

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Lu-Brent's Exclusive Card Mysteries by Charles C. Eastman
  • Introduction
  • Thought Spelling
  • Move Two Cards
  • You Selected the - -?
  • Lu-Brent's Mental Card Mystery
  • A Card Sympathy
  • Lu-Brent's Reversed Card Location
  • Lazybones
  • Lu-Brent's Count Down Mystery
  • Lu-Brent's Matching the Aces
  • The Siamese Pack
  • Shark Food
  • The Coins and Card Mystery
  • Think? - Stop
  • The Suit & Value Coincidence
  • A Card Prediction

1st edition 1934, 19 pages; PDF 23 pages.
word count: 10654 which is equivalent to 42 standard pages of text

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