All the effects will look improvised from the audience point of view, but they need a one-time preparation, and all are easy, except for the three last ones that will need more practice and some rehearsal.
ATM wallet: You will do this one every single time you have to pay something. You need an item every magician has got already in their drawer.
X=H3-E2: Rapidly force one object among a higher number of objects. (twice as fast as "PATEO", and easier to perform.)
Phone hypnosis: Block a borrowed phone (harmless), with the power of your mind. Easy.
Bright as a feather: Use a feather as a divining rod (for instance).
Playboy: A quick trick with a lighter.
Sim(h)ilarity: An hilarious idea for making matching or spelling tricks not boring.
Sure coin: Materialize any coin freely chosen among all the current coin currencies available in your country.
Any pad: A switching method (which I believe is new), with an examinable spiral notebook. It can be used, for instance, for a serial number divination on a banknote (or else, as long as the use of a notebook to write on a page is justified).
Materialization: Materialize a coin freely selected among three invisible coins.
1st edition 2015, 52 pages.
word count: 8368 which is equivalent to 33 standard pages of text