Maciej Dziegielewski
If you are Maciej Dziegielewski, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
If you are Maciej Dziegielewski, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
"I'm not a big fan of twirls flourishes but the way Maciej does them it is really beautiful!" - Dominik Mastrianni
"Very nice combination of classic and original sleights. Nicely flowing flourish overall." - Alexander Melnik (Decemberboys)
"cool stuff dude :)" - Sebastian Skowron
"I like the card transpo-thing. :)" - Jonas Haglund
Ekaf is 'fake' reversed. The reason for this title is that these card flourishes and manipulations look stunning and difficult, but are for the most part relatively easy to do. It is therefore the ideal entry routine for somebody to get into flourishes,...
Don't be misled by the title of this effect. It is not a new mathematical method. This is a purely sleight-of-hand effect. However, it uses the Fibonacci sequence as a presentational tool.
The magician explains the idea of Fibonnacci's Numbers which are numbers in the following integer sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ... (every next number is a sum of two previous numbers). This sequence appears in many spheres such as: art, nature, science...
Performer introduces a deck of cards in random order. The card is freely selected by the spectator. Before the card is placed...