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Magic Balloons
by Ken de Courcy


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Magic Balloons by Ken de Courcy

From the introduction:

It was that well-known West Country entertainer, Roy Van Dyke, who made me realise balloons can be used for more purposes than screwing into strange shapes sometimes resembling animals. He has a terrific opening trick that has colour, movement and noise that never fails to grab and hold the attention of today's show-saturated audiences.

  • Introduction
  • Bursting a Balloon
  • Explosive 20th. Century
  • Cut and Restored Rope
  • The Hydrostatic Glass
  • The Sharpshooter
  • Milk in Light Bulb
  • Upside Down Bottle
  • Balloon Bouncing
  • The Break-a-way Bouncer
  • Balloon Destroyer
  • The Torture Rack
  • Candle through Arm
  • Squaring the Circle
  • Knife through Coat
  • Colour Changing Knife
  • Match to Flower
  • Balloon to Bouquet
  • Balloon to Billiard Ball
  • The Miser's Dream
  • Round to Sausage
  • Atomic Buns
  • Balloon - Tube - Flowers
  • The Magnetic Balloon
  • Coin Transposition
  • The Vanishing Cane
  • The Linked Rings
  • Explosive Transposition
  • Egg Bag Opener
  • Curtain Ring Vanish
  • Ropes, Balloon and Silks
  • Invisible Card in Balloon
  • And finally ...
1st edition 1979, 20 pages; PDF 22 pages.
word count: 4568 which is equivalent to 18 standard pages of text

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