(3 customer ratings) ★★★★★
Magical Tricks Prepared for Teaching and Preaching Use
From the introduction:
The increasing problem of the church of today is to interest the young people in practical Christian service. The gospel message is as potent and powerful as ever, but the difficulty is to get young people to listen to it and to find preachers who can speak the language of the young people of today and make their message sufficiently attractive to challenge their attention.
Modern pedagogy is finding that object lessons are most efficient in teaching the young mind. We remember and understand so much more that we see than that we hear. When we analyze the human mind, we discover that it is attracted more readily by something that is mysterious. So, when we can combine an object that can be seen which has about it something of mystery, and at the same time the gospel message, we have the very climax of challenging power for the young mind of today.
Mr. Voorhees deserves the sincere thanks and appreciation of all fathers and mothers as well as all ministers for the development of these marvellously interesting Gospel Mystery Sermons. I consider him the very best of all the men using magical objects today, and most heartily commend him as a special worker among the children and young people, and I most heartily commend this book to all who are anxious to see the young people drawn into active Christian service.
Homer Rodeheaver
1st edition 1930, 79 pages; PDF 51 pages.
Table of Contents