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Magic Magazine 1995
by Stan Allen

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Magic Magazine 1995 by Stan Allen
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Volume 4, Number 5 - Volume 5 Number 4
January 1995 - December 1995
Stan Allen & Associates
Stan Allen, Editor

1114 pages (4 double pages)

  1. Magic - Volume 4, Number 5 - January 1995 - 84 pages
  2. Cover - One Hundred Million Dollars? - Lance Burton
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • The Reverend Lance Burton
  5. Letters
  6. Parallax - Max Maven
    • The Morbid The Merrier
      • Meta-Meow
  7. Questions - Paul Gertner
    • Why Don't You Have A Real Job?
  8. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • Beware
  9. On The Road
    • Survival On The Road - Mike Rogers
  10. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • Diversity Is The Spice Of Life
      1. Yankee Gathering - Frank Dudgeon
      2. Weerd! Weekend III - Steve Shaw
      3. Close Encounters of the Magic Kind - Ron Zollweg
      4. Atlanta Harvest of Magic's 20th Anniversary - Scott Wells
      5. Convention Calendar
  11. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • In The News
    • Milestones
      • Dr. Donald Desfor & Sue-Carol - married
      • Greg Frewin & Alanna Halinen - married
  12. New Year's Resolutions 1995
  13. Cover Story - Lance Burton - Interview by Stan Allen
  14. Top Ten - Mike Caveney & Friends
    • Top Ten Things Lance Burton Will Blow His $100 Million On
  15. Atlanta's Harvest - Frank Furkey
  16. Confessor - fiction excerpt - John Garner
  17. Robert Parrish - Daniel Waldron & David Meyer
    1. Great Tricks Revisited
      1. The Well Of Invisibility
      2. The Age Of Illusion
      3. Ellis In Bangkok
  18. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Rabbit Rare Bits - Chuck Smith
    2. Toppler - David Harkey
    3. Conniving Controls - Chad Long
    4. Twistful - Phil Goldstein
  19. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • Rotating Egg
  20. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
  21. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • Debit and Credit: Part I
      • Change Of Mind
      • Correct Change
      • Cash In Hand
      • This Month & Next
  22. Product Reviews - Stephen Hobbs & Chuck Fayne
    • Diminishing Art
      • The Power of Palming - Michael Close - videotape - reviewed by Chuck Fayne
      • Amazing Secrets of Card Magic - Michael Ammar - videotape - reviewed by Chuck Fayne
      • The Milbourne Christopher Library - Milbourne Christopher & George Hansen - book - reviewed by Stephen Hobbs
      • Catch-A-Sketch - Mike Bent - effect - reviewed by Chuck Fayne
      • Magical Wishes - Meir Yedid & Stephen Hobbs - book - reviewed by Chuck Fayne
      • The Life and Many Deaths of Harry Houdini - Ruth Brandon - book - reviewed by David Charvet
      • The Anniversary Waltz - Christopher Carter & Doc Eason - effect - reviewed by Chuck Fayne
      • Reviews At A Glance - summaries of recent reviews
  23. Who's Where
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Comedy Clubs
    • Cruising
    • Magic Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  24. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  25. Advertisers Index
  26. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 4, Number 6 - February 1995 - 80 pages
  2. Cover - Steve Wheeler
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • What Ever Happened To Douglas & Allen?
  5. Errata - January - Del Ray's birth name
  6. Letters
  7. Parallax - Max Maven
    • Hope Springs Eternal
      • Goo For The Soul
      • Tempus Fidget
      • Touch Tone
  8. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • Knowledge
  9. Hi-Lights - Hiawatha
    • 'P.A.' System
  10. Editorial - Done With Mirrors: 'Honor Among Magicians' - T.A. Waters
  11. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • What's Bugging John?
      1. Ron & Martin MacMillan's International Magic Convention = Elizabeth Warlock
      2. Convention News
      3. Convention Calendar
  12. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • In The News
    • Milestones
      • Steve Wheeler & Tracey Gerbec - married
      • John D. Jones "Little Johnny Jones" - died
  13. Top Ten - Mike Caveney & Friends
    • Top Ten Least Popular Gospel Magic Routines
  14. Cover Story - Steve Wheeler Is Magic On Ice - Rory Johnston
    • It's An Ice Show - Matt O'Donnell
  15. This IS The Year That Was - Richard Kaufman
  16. The Magic Hands' Fachkongresse - And Other Words I Can't Pronounce - Stan Allen
  17. Creating A Marketing Plan That Works - Michael Diliberto
  18. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Uncuffing A Ring - Fred Vigure
    2. Imaginary Twenty-One Card Trick - Chuck Amith
    3. Blind Date - Derek Parfitt
    4. The Technicolor Divide - Steve Dry
  19. Theory In Practice - Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • Marvyn Roy's Bill In The Light Bulb
  20. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • Debit and Credit: Part II
      • A Matter Of Debit And Credit
      • Dollars And (Sixth) Sense
  21. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • Curious Feedbacks
  22. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
  23. Reviews At A Glance - summaries of recent reviews
  24. Who's Where
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Comedy Clubs
    • Cruising
    • Magic Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  25. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  26. Advertisers Index
  27. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 4, Number 7 - March 1995 - 80 pages
  2. Cover - Mark Kalin & Jinger
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • Return of 'Stuff'
  5. Letters
  6. Parallax - Max Maven
    • Ferally We Roll Along
      • Customized
      • Tyranny Of The Minority
      • In The Nick
  7. Editorial - Price And Value, Value And Price - Bill Goldman
  8. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • Repertory
  9. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • What Are You Listening For?
      1. Magi-Fest - Scott Wells
      2. Convention Calendar
  10. Inside Magic
    • In Print
    • In The News
    • Television
    • Milestones
      • Anthonious Albertus de Vries (Anverdi} - died
  11. Chester Morris: Movie Maestro - Magic's Martytr - David Charvet
  12. Rominations - The Start Of The CD-ROM Revolution - Richard Kaufman
    • World of Illusion - a review
    • Magician's Secrets - a review
  13. Cover Story - Mark Kaling & Jinger - Why is Mark Kalin on the cover of this magazine and how did he end up with such a great-looking wife? - Mark Kornhauser
    • Who is Jinger? - Kristen Vierthaler
    • Spellbound - Stan Allen
  14. For All the Poor Folks in Peoria - Stephen Minch
  15. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Beyond Erdnase - Thom Gunn (pseudonym) - reviewed by Jon Racherbaumer
    2. Read Kike A Book - Lee Freed
    3. Stapled Cards - Edward Marlo
    4. Grandfather Time - Barrie Richardson
  16. Theory In Practice - Conjuring - Jim Steinmeyer
    • The Inside-Out Production
  17. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • Deck Soup
      • Not The Tsunami I Expected
      • Too Bad About That Guy, But Doesn't His Suit Fit Great
      • The Family That Preys Together
      • What I'm Prepared To Risk
  18. Top Ten - Mike Caveney & Friends
    • Top Ten Euphemisms For Death Or Dying
  19. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • Two Corking Good Challenges
  20. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
  21. Reviews At A Glance - summaries of recent reviews
  22. Who's Where
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Cruising
    • Magic Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  23. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  24. Advertisers Index
  25. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 4, Number 8 - April 1995 - 100 pages
  2. Cover - Magic Networks
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • Surf's Up!
  5. Errata - Reviews At A Glace - pricing of Ultimate Magic Square
  6. Letters
  7. On The Road
    • Head Cheese - Mac King
  8. Questions - Paul Gertner
    • Ideas And Dreams
  9. Parallax - Max Maven
    • Play It As It Malaise
      • Angsta Rap
  10. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • Nothing
  11. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • In The News
    • Milestones
      • Mark Kornhauser & Deborah Sur - married
      • Carl McClure Langdon - died
      • Jon Gresham - died
      • Mel Brown - died
      • Clinton C. Riedel - died
      • Romain Johnston - died
  12. Cover Story - Magic Networks: Hype or Hope - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Techno-Terms
    • Kevin King's Magifax - Richard Kaufman
    • Techo-Info [addresses]
  13. Spring Convention Guide
    1. Conventions - Building A Convention - Scott Wells
      1. Convention At The Capitol - Chuck Fayne
      2. Desert Magic Seminar - Hiawatha
      3. Roc Vegas Magic Convention I - Rory Rockstone
    2. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
    3. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
    4. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
    5. 1995 Spring Convention Calendar
    6. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
    7. One Hundred F's - Scott Wells
      • Guests Of Honor
    8. Eulogy For The Forks Hotel - Scott Wells
  14. Going, Going, Gone! - 20th Annual IBM Ring 60 Famous Magic Auction - Scott Wells
  15. Jack Gwynne - David Charvet
    • The Aristocrat of Deception - David Charvet
    • The Gwynne Anti-Gravity Glasses - David Charvet
    • The Gwynne Stack of Fishbowls Production - David Charvet
  16. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Heart-Less - Simon Lovell
    2. Calling From Waikiki - Ron Cohen
    3. Circle Of Gold - Chad Long
    4. Prismatic Pack - Gene Castillon
  17. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • Mel Stover, They Want You Back On Your Planet
      • Spinner
      • False Odds
      • Equivocoin
      • Home Run
      • Cheating At Checkers
      • Hooked On Phonies
  18. Top Ten - Mike Caveney & Friends
    • Top Ten Disparaging Magician Slurs
  19. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • The Candle See-Saw
  20. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
  21. Who's Where
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Comedy Clubs
    • Cruising
    • Magic Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  22. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  23. Advertisers Index
  24. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 4, Number 9 - May 1995 - 80 pages - plus two-page advertising insert from PaTech
  2. Cover - Michael Finney
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • Righting Assignments
  5. Errata - April Inside Magic & April Going, Going, Gone!
  6. Letters
  7. Questions - Paul Gertner
    • Trust Me
  8. Parallax - Max Maven
    • Ceci N'est Pas Une Pipedream
      • Firsthand Experience
  9. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • Reverse
  10. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • 'Foreign' Conventions
      1. Blackpool Magicins Club Convention - Elizabeth Warlock
      2. Flasoma '95 - Luciano De Pazos
      3. Winter Carnival Of Magic - Jim Hyams & Paul Sorrentino
      4. East Coast Magic Spectacular - Beth Sheligo
  11. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • In The News
    • Milestones
      • Tom Mullica & Stephen Holmes - married
      • John 'Dudman' Puillman & Yukari Onodera - married
      • Franco Contigliozzi - died
      • Bob Randall - died
  12. Thoughts On The F.I.S.M. Competition - Ali Bongo
  13. Cover Story - Love him or hate him ... He is Michael Finney - Stan Allen
  14. Top Ten - Mike Caveney & Friends
    • Top Ten Magic Themed Snack Foods
  15. Magic At The New York World's Fair - Bill Schmeelk
    • Saved By The ... Birds? - John Moehring
  16. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Purse-Frame Finesse - Johnny Paul
    2. Snap-Slap Transpo - Marc Serin
    3. Scrupulous Spellbound - Donn Davvi & Michael Rubenstein
    4. Skinned And Covered - Jim Krentz
  17. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • The Trick That Can Be Explained (Again and Again and Again)
      • Ultimate Done Deal
      • No-Skill Psychological Ten Card Deal
      • Ten card Deal Combo
  18. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • Headline
  19. Product Reviews - Mike Close & Mac King
    • The Mike And Mac Show
      • Roberto Giobbi's Card College, Volume One - Roberto Giobbi - book
      • Magic and Meaning - Eugene Burger & Robert Neale - book
      • Great Tricks Revisited - Robert Parrish - book
      • Much Ado About Something - Karrell Fox - book
      • Details - about the items and addresses
  20. Who's Where
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Cruising
    • Magic Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  21. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  22. Advertisers Index
  23. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 4, Number 10 - June 1995 - 92 pages
  2. Cover - Funtasio
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • Re: Mr. Ed
  5. Letters
  6. Questions - Paul Gertner
    • Offstage Perceptions
  7. Parallax - Max Maven
    • Depresstidigitation
      • FAO Pas
      • Push & Chauv
      • What's In A Mean?
  8. On The Road
    • The Many Faces Of Dan Manuchu - Dan Stapleton
  9. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • Numbers
  10. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • One Minute Magic Convention
      1. Bob Little's Super Sunday For Super Sorcerers - Mike Miller
      2. Allentown Magic Expo (51st) - Marc DeSouza
      3. Fechter's Finger Flicking Frolic (25th) - Scott Wells
      4. Magician's Alliance Of Western New York (50th) - Scott Wells
      5. Magic Collector's Weekend '95 - Claude Crowe
      6. Hank Lee's Cape Cod Conclave (7th) - Stephen A. Fernandes
      7. New Zealand Magician's Convention (23rd) - Jim Reilly
      8. Convention Calendar
  11. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • In The News
    • Milestones
      • Darwin Ortiz & Maureen Murphy - married
      • Cy Endfield - died
      • Lauren Wilder - died
  12. Four Decades of Theme Park Magic - Part I - The Early Years - John Moehring
    • 1995 Park Magic - Darren Romeo
  13. Houdini's Last Wish Fulfilled? - Dave Charvet
    • The Hall of Fame Rob Allen
  14. 'Staring' David Copperfield - Michael E. Johnson
    • Wishing Upon A Star - Stan Allen
  15. Cover Story - Dignity Personified - Funtasio (Ricardo Fantasio) - by Amy Stevens
    • Almost 30 Years Ago - Fantasio
  16. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. One-Kai - Marc Serin
    2. Pen-Thru-Looking-Glass - Chad Long
    3. Belgian Travelers - Christian Chelman
    4. Riffle-Toss Force - Tom Gagnon
  17. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • Nothing To Lose
      • One Card 10/20 Poker
      • Pat On The Back
      • Flush With Cash
  18. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • Blacker Than Black
  19. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
  20. Top Ten - Mike Caveney & Friends
    • Top Ten Indications You've Gone To A Bad Convention
  21. Product Reviews - Mike Close & Mac King
      • David Roth's Expert Coin Magic Made Easy, Volumes 1-3 - David Roth - 3 videos
      • Easy To Master Money Miracles, Volume 1-3 - Michael Ammar - 3 videos
      • The Magic of the Hands Trilogy - Edward Victor - book
      • The Magic of Edward Victor's Hands - Rae Hammond - book
      • Bound to Please: The Collected Early Works of Simon Aronson - book
      • Illusionworks: Music for Modern Magical Performances - Steve Wiliford & Rand Woodbury - compact disc
      • Details - about the items and addresses
  22. Who's Where
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Cruising
    • Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  23. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  24. Advertisers Index
  25. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 4, Number 11 - July 1995 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - Carter The Great
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • Good Ol' Days
  5. Letters
  6. Errata - Harry Houdini's Star & Theme Parks
  7. Stronger Magic - Darwin Ortiz
    • The Spectator's Prospective
  8. Parallax - Max Maven
    • Better Desolate Than Never
      • The Play's The Sting
      • Wratings
      • Poll Bearer's Review
      • Metaphysical Meow
  9. Questions - Paul Gertner
    • It Can Happen To The Best Of Us
  10. On The Road
    • You Had To Be There - Bill Goldman
  11. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • In Short
  12. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • Fun Of Flying
      1. International Battle of Magicians (5th) - Richard Hughes
      2. Magic in the Mountains - Vinny Giordano
      3. Northwest Magic Jamboree - David Charvet
      4. U.S./Canada Convention (1st) - Ron Zollweg
      5. Louisiana Magic Weekend - Charlie Randall
      6. Convention Calendar
  13. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • In The News
    • Milestones
      • Gilbert Thurston & Lisa Bish - married
      • Ron Bishop - died
      • Will Rock - died
  14. Fiction Winner - Higher Magic - Robert Wolf
  15. Four Decades of Theme Park Magic - Part II - The Boom - John Moehring
  16. Truly A-May-Zing - re: Network Specials
  17. Cover Story - Carter The Great - Mike Caveney
    • The Levitation - Mike Caveney
  18. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Rollover Opener - Chad Long
    2. 3-D Further Than That - Cushing Strout
    3. Ghost Coin - Charles McFarland
    4. Hofzinser Homage - Marc Serin
  19. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • Interview With The scampire
      • Reversal Of Fortune
      • Spin TO Win
      • Coin Roulette
  20. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • Mysterious Circles
  21. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
  22. Top Ten - Mike Caveney & Friends
    • Top Ten Most Popular Tricks For Dogs
  23. Product Reviews - Mike Close & Mac King
    • The Jokes On Who?
      • (Joke Book) - Sleight of Mouth - Harry Allen
      • Practical Parlor Prestidigitation - A Lecture Demonstration - Marko - manuscript
      • The Great Eyeless Vision Act - Marko - manuscript
      • Steve Forte's Gambling Protection Series Volumes 1-4 - videotapes
      • Self Working Close-Up Card Magic - Karl Fulves - book
      • The Silver Fox Strikes Again! The Scotty York Video Volume 3 - videotape
      • Odds And Ends
        • Wonderful Routines of Magic, The Second Addendum - Ellison Poland - book
        • React - Aldo Colombini - book
        • An Encyclopedia of Lies, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural - James Randi - book
        • Double Take - Greg Wilson - videotape
        • Pride and Joy - Lee Jacobs - gag
        • "Have I shown you a picture of my kids?" - Lee Jacobs - gag
        • What If - Chuck Smith - lecture notes
        • The Video Encyclopedia of Silk Magic Volume 1 - Mark Trimble
        • The Magic Mystery School Video
      • Details - about the items and addresses
  24. Who's Where
    • Park Magic
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Cruising
    • Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  25. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  26. Advertisers Index
  27. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 4, Number 12 - August 1995 - 92 pages
  2. Cover - Fame
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • Four Down ...
  5. Letters
  6. Parallax - Max Maven
    • Gloominous Plaint
      • Internettle
      • Youthless
  7. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • Swords
  8. Stronger Magic - Darwin Ortiz
    • Making Dollars And Making Sense
  9. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • Relationships Are Magic
      1. Three Lands Magic Kongress - Hank Moorehouse
      2. Florida State Magic Convention (30th) - J.C. Hiatt & Dave Stahl
      3. Las Vegas Close-Up Classic - Jim Surprise
      4. World Magic Summit III - Charlie Randall
      5. IOM International Magic Congress (2nd) - Stan Allen
      6. Convention News
      7. Convention Calendar
  10. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • In The News
    • Milestones
  11. Four Decades of Theme Park Magic - Part III - New Directions - John Moehring
    • Foreign Boom? - Stan Allen
  12. Tenko Goes Toon! - Stan Allen
  13. 'Twas Better Than A Tea Party - Hiawatha
  14. Cover Story - Fame - Jennifer Sils
    • cartoon - Bizarro - by Dan Piraro
  15. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Box Spring - Greg Wilson
    2. Remaining Wired - Zane Zerbe
    3. There Are Two Sides To Every Prediction - Barry Richardson
  16. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • Mr. Grift Goes To Washington
      • Spin To Win Again
      • Thirty Pieces Of Silver
      • Pay Your Money And Take Your Choice
  17. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • The Enchanted Die
  18. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
  19. Product Reviews - Mike Close & Mac King
    • How We Spent Our Summer Vacation ... By Mike & Mac
      • In A Gilded Cage - Collector's Workshop - effect
      • Magical Heroes - The Lives and Legends of Great African American Magicians - Jim Magus - book
      • The Rat Trap & Other Snappy Effects You Can Do With Your Little Deck - Chuck Fayne - booklet
      • Fusion Loops - Ken Martin - effect
      • Star Gazer - Anthony Linden - effect
      • Ultra Collectors Don England - effect
      • Sherlock Holmes and the Egyptian Hall Adventure - Val Andrews - fiction book
      • Sherlock Holmes and the Houdini Birthright - Val Andrews - fiction book
      • Stretcher - Dr. Sawa - prop
      • Zone Infinity - Tenyo - effect
      • See-Thru Guillotine - Wellington Enterprises - effcet
      • Jump! - John Kennedy - gimmick
      • The Tiny Human Being - John Kennedy - effect - to be released
      • Wizard's Cellular Phone - John Cornelius - prop
      • The Best Rising Card Gimmick in the Worls - Vanni Bossi - effect
      • Now Look Here - Chad Long - effect
      • Steve Bedwell ... Taped! - The Steve Bedwell Video, Volume One
      • Expert Sleeving Made Easy - Carl Cloutier - videotape
      • Expert Topiting Made Easy - Carl Cloutier - videotape
      • A Warning And A Query - re: Car Buggy
      • Details - about the items and addresses
  20. Who's Where
    • Park Magic
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Comedy Clubs
    • Cruising
    • Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  21. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  22. Advertisers Index
  23. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 5, Number 1 - September 1995 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - Silly Billy
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • The Big Guy
  5. Letters
  6. Questions - Paul Gertner
    • Dream Sessions
  7. Stronger Magic - Darwin Ortiz
    • Picking Assistants
  8. Parallax - Max Maven
    • Tormentalism
      • Plus Ça Changebag
      • Oy, Survey
  9. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • It Is Hot, Man
      1. Southeastern Association of Magicians (S.E.A.M.) - John Miller
      2. Abbott's Magic Get-Together - James& Kathleen Barron
      3. International Convention News
      4. Convention Calendar
  10. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • In The News
    • Milestones
      • Mike Caldwell - died
      • Duncan Fletcher - died
  11. I.B.M. Was H.O.T.! - Jon Racherbaumer
  12. England's New Home Of Mystery - Michael Bailey
    • Young Magician of the Year (Dominic Wood)
  13. Cover Story - Seriously Silly - Susan Orlean
  14. Kid-Show Magic: It Ain't Child's Play! - David Friedman
    • Kid-Show Survey Says ... - David Friedman
    • Zap! Kaa-Pow! - Rory Johnston
  15. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Silly Is As Silly Does - Terry Lunceford
    2. Re-Confabulation - Val Le-Val
    3. Look Snooker - Chad Long
    4. The Diary - Peter Duffie
  16. Theory In Practice - Stand-Up Japan - Steve Cohen
    1. Pinhead - Tomohiro Maeda
  17. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Stan Allen III
    • Fifty Years Ago in Magic
      • Max Maven - Bob Farmer correspondence
  18. Product Reviews - Mike Close & Mac King
    • My Cup Runneth Over
      • Duffie's Card Compulsions - Peter Duffie - book
      • New Card Control Systems - Joseph K. Schmidt - book
      • M.I.N.T. Volume 2 - Edward Marlo - book
      • Encounters of the Close-Up Kind - Dan Fleshman - book
      • Jeff McBride: The Art of Card Manipulation - three videotapes
      • Paul Gertner's Steel and Silver Video Series: Volume I - videotape
      • Daryl's Expert Rope Magic Made Easy - three videotapes
      • Quintuple Coincidence - Scotty York - effect
      • Revolutionary Routines with Aces - Scotty York - manuscript
      • Magazine News
        • Dr. Faustus Journal - Tom Stone [Sweden]
        • Abacus - Al Smith [England]
        • MO - Jon Racherbaumer
        • Facsimile - Richard Kaufman
      • Details - about the items and addresses
  19. Who's Where
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Lectures
    • Cruising
    • Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  20. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  21. Advertisers Index
  22. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 5, Number 2 - October 1995 - 100 pages
  2. Cover - Bess Houdini
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • Why?
  5. Letters
  6. Errata - August Inside Magic & August Summer Magic Chart
  7. Insight/Incite - Michael Marlin
    • Find Your Style
  8. Stronger Magic - Darwin Ortiz
    • Suspense vs. Surprise
  9. Parallax - Max Maven
    • I'll Build A Stairway To Paradox
      • Pimpromptu
      • Of Mice And Mentalism
  10. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • Motive
  11. Guest Editorial - Confessions Of An Educated Entertainer - Scott Humston
  12. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • If You Billed It, They Will Come
      1. Midwest Magic Jubilee - Charlie Randall
      2. Texas Association Of Magicians - Scott Wells
      3. Pacific Coast Association of Magicians - Simon Lovell
      4. West Coast Wizards Magic Camp - Michael Gerson
      5. Tannen's Magic Camp - Jim Flagg
      6. Convention Calendar
  13. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • In The News
    • Milestones
      • Danny Archer & Rayetta Fossen - married
      • Brian Matlin & Jana Godfrey - married
  14. Heat Stroke of Genius Contest Winners
    • 1st - Chromagrams - Martin Lewis
    • 2nd - Coin Divination - Peter W. Tappan
    • 3rd - Bright Idea - Gary Darwin
    • HM - Sun, Sand and Wand - Gordon Bean
    • HM - I Knew That! - George J. Sprague
  15. The Handmade Books Of Masklyn ye Mage - Richard Kaufman
  16. Cover Story - Beatrice Houdini - David Charvet
    • Edward Saint - David Charvet
  17. Houdini - The Film That Perpetuated The Legend - David Charvet
  18. 'Bess' Speaks - Janet Leigh interviewed by David Charvet
  19. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Flash Restoration - Alexander de Cova
    2. Cellular Telepathy - Tim Ellis
    3. Clean-Sweep Thought Penetration - The Boys of Bennigans
  20. Theory In Practice - Stand-Up Japan - Steve Cohen
    1. Japanese Papercraft - Hiroshi Sawa
  21. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • The Scam That Rocks The Cradle
      • A Penny For Your Thoughts
      • Catch 23
  22. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • The Frustrating Papers
  23. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
  24. Product Reviews - Mike Close & Mac King
    • The Dog Days Of Summer
      • What's Up Deck? - Aldo Colombini - book
      • The Ultimate Bill Switch - Kevin King - effect
      • Anti-Drug Routines for Magicians - Roger Linden - book
      • The Fun Approach to Children's Parties - John "Mr. Fun" Cooper - booklet
      • Illusionworks 3, An Illusionist's Notebook - Rand Woodbury - book
      • A Candid View of Maskelyne's 1916-1917 - Anne Davenport & John Salisse - reviewed by Elizabeth Warlock
      • Details - about the items and addresses
  25. Who's Where
    • Park Magic
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Lectures
    • Cruising
    • Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  26. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  27. Advertisers Index
  28. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 5, Number 3 - November 1995 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - Tina Lenert
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • Magic Works!
  5. Letters
  6. Errata - October - PCAM Convention & September - Magic Circle's new home
  7. Parallax - Max Maven
    • Shouting 'Fire' In A Crowded Theory
      • Lesson Is More
      • Poster Mortem
  8. Stronger Magic - Darwin Ortiz
    • The Magic Scene
  9. Questions - Paul Gertner
    • Magicians Need Not Apply
  10. Insight/Incite - Michael Marlin
    • To Breathe Into
  11. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • Behold
  12. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • Variety Is Spicy
      1. Magic on the Beach - Jim Heuser
      2. International Festival of Children's Magicians - Johnny Berfield
      3. Magicians Alliance of Eastern States - Simon Lovell
      4. The Young Professional's Workshop - Michael E. Johnson
      5. Convention Calendar
  13. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • In The News
    • Milestones
      • Rae Hammond - died
      • Arturo Montes - died
  14. 'Break' Through - Eric Mead
  15. Caesar's New Empire - Modeled For Success - Rory Johnston
  16. Cover Story - The Tina Lenert You Don't Know - Mike Caveney
  17. Tina Talks - Interview by Stan Allen
    • comment from David Copperfield
    • poem from Harry Anderson
  18. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. Delayed Bluff Placement Aaron Fisher
    2. It's A $100 Mystery To Me! - Takeshi Nemoto
    3. Rule- Breaking Aces - Edward Marlo
  19. Theory In Practice - Stand-Up Japan - Steve Cohen
    1. Clear And Present Odor - The Magic Napoleons
  20. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • The Ten Scamandments
      • Catch 24
  21. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • Stabbing an Eggshell
  22. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
  23. Product Reviews - Mike Close & Mac King
    • Not For Sale To Minors
      • The Crimp - Jerry Sadowitz - magazine
      • Dai Vernon's Ultimate Secrets of Card Magic - Lewis Ganson - book
      • Paul Harris' Cardian Angel - Paul Harris & Mike Maxwell - effect
      • The Magic Menu: The First Five Years - Jim Sisti - book
      • The Lost Cheesy Notebooks, Volume One and Two - Chad Long - two booklets
      • Also
        • Siegfried & Roy 1996 Calendar
        • Balloon Magic - Marvin L. Hardy - booklet
      • Details - about the items and addresses
  24. Who's Where
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Lectures
    • Cruising
    • Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  25. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  26. Advertisers Index
  27. Finally

  1. Magic - Volume 5, Number 4 - December 1995 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Cardini
  3. Contents
  4. From the Editor - Stan Allen
    • Yep, We're Having Fun Now!
  5. Letters
  6. Stronger Magic - Darwin Ortiz
    • The Illusion Of Impossibility
  7. Hmmmmmm - Kees Schoonenberg
    • Dealers
  8. Parallax - Max Maven
    • Iconoclast Call
      • Hello, Scaler
      • Ipogram
  9. Insight/Incite - Michael Marlin
    • Magic ... With A Capital 'M'
  10. Conventions - Scott Wells
    • Saturation Point?
      1. British Ring Convention - Elizabeth Warlock
      2. New York and Canada Conclave (NYCAN) - Ron Zollweg
      3. Tannen's Magic Jubilee - Hiawatha
      4. C.A.M.A.S. Calvert Conclave [Cincinnati Academy of Magic & Allied Sciences] - Brad Ball
      5. The Innovations Conference - Stephen Minch
      6. Magic in the Midlands - Pete Petrashek
      7. Magic in the Rockies - Robert D. LaRue, Jr.
      8. Convention Calendar
  11. Inside Magic
    • Television
    • Milestones
      • Bryan Dean Toder & Jill Jansen - married
      • Marcelo Contento & Christina Gilberto - married
      • Robert Lund - died
  12. "The World's Greatest Magicians" - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Blow By Blow [the acts]
  13. Mac King Tells ... How/Why He Did It! - interview by Stan Allen
  14. Robert Lund - the American Museum of Magic - Dan Waldron
    • Magic - Robert Lund - Excerpted from "Michigan History"
  15. Cover Story - Paging ... Mr. Cardini! - Brad Ball
    • Those Cardini Cards - John Moehring
  16. "It's Magic!" - Stan Allen
  17. Theory In Practice - Inside Out - Jon Racherbaumer
    1. A Stitch In Nine - Gene Castillon
    2. Cogently Clean Break - Dave Jenkins & Donn Davis
    3. Blind Swivel Cut - Gerry Griffin
    4. According To Vesser - Edward Marlo
  18. Theory In Practice - Stand-Up Japan - Steve Cohen
    1. Cotton Candy - Kennichi Kuroki
  19. Theory In Practice - Flim-Flam - Bob Farmer
    • It's A Wonderful Lie
      • Snow Job
      • Scrooge's Penny Pincher
      • Merry Cashmas
  20. Martin Gardner's Corner
    • Light From The Wrong End
  21. cartoon - Grand Delusions - by Morgan
  22. Product Reviews - Mike Close & Mac King
    • Stocking Stuffers
      • Cardshark - Darwin Ortiz - book
      • The Art of Astonishment - Paul Harris - videotape
      • VIP: Very Impossible Penetration - Mike Powers - effect
      • Scary Hotels - Tom Frame - lecture notes
      • Cabaret Connivery - Dan Garrett - videotape
      • Miller's Dice - Paul Green - effect
      • Standing Ovation - The Larry Becker Videos Volume One
      • Mental Masterpieces - The Larry Becker Videos Volume Two
      • Mugged - Rich Marotta - effect
      • The Buford Table - Jerry Winn - two tables
      • Details - about the items and addresses
  23. Who's Where
    • Restaurants/Bars
    • Cruising
    • Nightclubs
    • Resorts
  24. Where To Find Magic Magazine
  25. Advertisers Index
  26. Finally

word count: 645163 which is equivalent to 2580 standard pages of text