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by Cedric Taylor

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Mammon by Cedric Taylor

From the mind behind the mind of Fly on the Wall, is a Russian Roulette effect minus the actual element of danger but packs all the psychological risks and even more cringing suspense.

Imagine having to use the power of remote viewing to recreate in your mind detailed actions done by someone in the past. Someone hides their highest denomination of dollar bill (lets say a 100 dollar bill) and place it in a free selection of five envelopes without the performer looking. They even go as far as mixing the envelopes up unbeknownst to the performer. Using his mental acuity, the performer shows concrete proof that he can recreate those moments in his mind by completely destroying every single envelope one by one leaving only one envelope. The one with the spectator's bill! This is Cedric's attempt at a Russian Roulette-ish, Bank Night-ish, psychological torture.

1st edition 2014, 7 pages.
word count: 1727 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text