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Manipulation with Cards
by Peki

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Manipulation with Cards by Peki

Peki, a highly decorated magician, explains here how you can create and learn a successful card manipulation routine for stage. This video is a German video dubbed by Peki to English.


  1. Peki's entire stage card manipulation act (performance)
  2. Vanish a single card (back palm)
  3. Produce a card (2 methods)
  4. Showing your hand empty
  5. Vanish multiple cards
  6. Produce multiple cards (3 different methods)
  7. Vanish a card fan
  8. Produce a card fan
  9. Continuous production of card fans
  10. Combined card production
  11. Gimmicks and holders for stealing cards secretly
  12. Peki-Twist including vanishing a card, card transforms into silk, and card changes to bill
  13. Manipulation with Jumbo Cards (produce multiple jumbo cards; flash vanish and reappearance of a jumbo card)
  14. Flash card fan production
  15. Peki diminishing cards

length 45 min

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Manipulation & XCM

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)