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Mark Stone

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Bestselling Products for Mark Stone


Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products)

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Mark Stone
Lightning Peek by Mark Stone

A bit of sleight-of-hand that is usually used for playing cards is used here to effect a very simple and bold peek for business cards.

Experience the power of Lightning Peek. With this incredible magic trick, you'll be able to astound your audience with your psychic abilities. Simply have a spectator draw or think of something on a business card, then place it in the middle of a stack of business cards. You'll be able to accurately reveal the secret thought while the spectator holds the business card stack.

  • Lightning fast
  • Full card peek
  • No gimmicks or DIY arts and crafts
  • Business cards...
★★★★★ $20
Mark Stone
Third Eye Peek by Mark Stone

Read what is written on a folded business card, sealed between two credit or gift cards and secured with criss-crossed rubber bands.

This is a full card peek that is easy to do. You can prepare this in minutes. The ebook has crystal-clear visual instructions.

Routine: A spectator is asked to think of a name or number or draw a simple picture on a business card, and then fold the card. The folded business card is sealed between two credit or gift cards, secured with criss-crossed rubber bands, and then placed aside. Under seemingly impossible conditions, the performer reveals what was...

★★★★★ $22.50
Mark Stone
The Peek Project by Mark Stone

After a long time of experimenting and searching for the best and easiest way to peek at the spectator's deepest thought written on a business card, Mark has come out with two completely different and deceptive methods fully described in this eBook, with crystal clear photos and step-by-step instructions.

The Perfect Peek

The Perfect Peek allows for a secret full card peek, without folding or tearing. Uses only a very few steps, is clean in the execution, and is highly deceptive. The effect takes advantage of old principles combined with clever handling to create a lethal peek. Easy...

★★★★ $15
Mark Stone
Coin Ditcher Gimmick: for vanishing coins by Mark Stone

Based on an old concept that has been seriously rethought to create a simple and practical device; it allows for complete vanishing of coin gaffs and regular coins of any size up to jumbo 3" coins.

  • Coins can be made to reappear after being vanished.
  • No jacket, cummerbund or long-sleeved shirt is required.
  • The Coin Ditcher is made using readily available, low-cost materials. It requires light metal cutting using a hacksaw or angle grinder. Once made it should last a lifetime.
  • Includes 71 pages of easy-to-follow, step-by-step crystal clear photos and instructions on how to make and correctly...
★★★★ $19
Mark Stone
Coin Rattle Gimmick 2.0 by Mark Stone

The Coin Rattle Gimmick provides the illusion of vanishing several real coins after having been shown placed and heard rattling inside the magician's hand.

The Digital Coin Sound System uses an inexpensive, readily available gimmick that imitates the sound of coins falling and spinning inside a coffee mug and then vanishing from the mug.

This thoughtfully developed system allows the magician to present the effect in short sleeves, with complete freedom, with nothing to palm and nothing to get rid of.

Includes 50 pages of easy-­‐to-­‐follow, crystal clear photos and instructions...

★★★★★ $15
Mark Stone
Cosmar Coin Gimmick by Mark Stone

Utility holder/vanisher

Step-­by-­step explanation with detailed photos on how to build and use this practical coin utility device (two-­gimmick set).

Each gimmick allows for secretly holding, retrieving, producing or vanishing five half-­dollar coins or four dollar-­size coins or for producing one or two 3" size coins. If used with palming coins, the gimmick will hold double the number of coins.

With easy-­to-­follow visual instructions and readily available low-­cost materials, this 47-­page ebook shows how the gimmicks can be made in minutes. Includes directions for proper...

Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products)