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Maxwell Murphy

Maxwell Murphy

Maxwell Murphy is the co-founder of Penguin Magic. He currently lives in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He spends his time writing, programming, inventing, and sailing. He’s working on a number of projects. The one he's most excited about is SkyDiary. It's a diary that calls you up every day to ask how your day was. Check it out at Skydiary.

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Maxwell Murphy
Everything I Know About Marketing Magic (Preview) by Maxwell Murphy

This is the first chapter from Maxwell's ebook Everything I know about Marketing Magic. Any creator, producer, manufacturer and retailer of magic should read this insightful ebook.

1st edition 2012, 20 pages.

Maxwell Murphy
Everything I Know About Marketing Magic by Maxwell Murphy

How do you make the most with your ideas? Go inside the magic industry, with a true insider.

Learn how to take an idea, form and shape it into a successful product in the magic marketplace. Includes resource lists and important contact information, as well as two wonderful guest contributions by Hank Schwaeble on contracts and corporations. (Particularly the article on contracts is some of the best and most useful information you will find short of consulting with a lawyer.)

Download the first chapter of the ebook here.

For 10 years, Maxwell Murphy led Penguin Magic, the largest magic...

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