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Michael Close

Michael Close

Mike's interest in magic began at the age of 6 when he received a few tricks as a birthday present. The bug bit and held and magic remained an important hobby. In 1972, Mike met Harry Riser, who lived close by in Indianapolis. By this time, he had developed a strong interest in sleight-of-hand close-up magic, and being able to spend time with Harry was a treat and an education. Mike had always kept magic purely as a hobby. His profession was (and still is) music and he wanted to avoid having to do magic for money. Nevertheless, in 1978, Mike took a job at Max and Erma's Restaurant in Indianapolis and performed there one night a week for seven and a half years. In 1985, his music career began making more demands on his time and he dropped out of the magic scene. In June, 1988, Illusions Restaurant opened in Carmel, Indiana and Mike was asked to be part of the magic staff. In a matter of months, Mike was put in charge of the magicians there and has been performing ever since, working five or six nights a week.

He was the Editor in Chief of MUM and works behind the scenes of the Penn & Teller Fool Us TV show.

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★★★★★ $5
Michael Close
The Frog Prince by Michael Close

A cursed card the Jack of Diamonds is folded into an origami frog. Spectator chooses a card from the deck, say the Seven of Clubs. The frog finds the Seven of Clubs in the deck. The climax is the transposition of the two cards. The Seven of Clubs turns into the Jack of Diamonds, and when the origami frog is unfolded it is the Seven of Clubs.

This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.

★★★★ $5
Michael Close
El Cheapo Magic Club by Michael Close

A spectator signed business card ends up folded in a matchbox that has been resting on the table for the entire time. The presentation of this effect evolves around a cheap magic club. Signing the business card makes the spectator a member who then goes on to perform his first magic trick.

This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.

★★★★ $5
Michael Close
Dancers at the End of Time by Michael Close

A wonderful card routine with a musically themed presentation. You first produce the four Aces. The Aces capture the four Kings, and after an interlude where the Aces and Kings change place, all eight cards change to eight Jokers.

This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.

★★★★ $5
Michael Close
Ring and Shoelace by Michael Close

Borrow a finger ring and magically thread it onto a shoelace while both ends are held by two spectators. Just as magical as you have put the ring on the shoelace you take it off.

This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.

★★★★★ $5
Michael Close
Dr. Strangetrick by Michael Close

This is Michael Close's version of the famous 'card warp' theme where a card turns inside out while being pushed through a bill.

This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.

★★★★ $20
Michael Close
Michael Close Signature Effects: Workers & Power of Palming by Michael Close

Two astounding programs jam-packed onto one 150 minute download DVD. This is some of the best of Michael Close. Michael is an extraordinary magician, very thoughtful and meticulous. His Workers Series is legendary. He was editor in chief of MUM the organ of the Society of American Magicians.

Workers: Michael Close is truly a magician's magician. But he does his best work for laymen. His reputation is unsurpassed for entertaining and fooling lay audiences with mind-blowing magic. All of these effects are audience-tested over thousands of performances. It contains the following routines: ...

★★★★★ $19.95
Michael Close
Michael Close In Review by Michael Close

Read and search all the reviews from Magic Magazine from 1995-2005. It contains almost 1400 pages of text, over 1500 books, videotapes, DVDs and tricks from the last 10 years.

Find out if that product on eBay is worth purchasing. Search for products from your favorite creators. Search on the term "highly recommended" to find out what should be in your magic library. You can search on products you already own to find the hidden gems.

This ebook is particularly useful in combination with Jamy Ian Swiss Book Reviews. It allows you to get a second opinion on many books both reviewers covered.

2nd edition 2005; 1379 pages....

★★★★★ $30
Michael Close
Faro Shuffle by Michael Close

Learn the In-The-Hands Faro Shuffle

Many magicians consider the faro shuffle to be one of the toughest moves in card magic. The thought of performing consistant, perfect faros seems an impossible dream - until you read this ebook.

The ability to do perfect faro shuffles is a powerful weapon in the card magician’s arsenal of sleights. It is a genuine shuffle; the cards are truly being mixed. But it is also a controlled shuffle, meaning that the resulting order of the cards is not random. For this reason, it is an excellent adjunct to memorized deck work. Michael likes to start with a memdeck...

★★★★★ $29.95
Michael Close
Closely Guarded Secrets by Michael Close

This is a very well done PDF. Here is what Michael writes about his ebook:

This ebook offers unparalleled instruction by allowing text, photographs, and video clips to do what they do best and can be printed out to produce a spectacular 8.5 x 11, 179-page book. Each routine is described in complete detail in Michael Close’s clear, easy-to-read style. It’s almost like having private lessons with Michael Close. BONUS: Three Essays on Magic Theory and Michael’s Presentation & Handling of: Dean Dill’s Box & Gary Plants Magnetized Cards.

The 179 pages of Closely Guarded Secrets contain...

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