Michael Fagin
If you are Michael Fagin, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
Coauthors: Douglas A. Mudd
If you are Michael Fagin, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
Coauthors: Douglas A. Mudd
Money and Sovereignty as Expressed in Gold CoinageDouglas A. Mudd & Michael FaginHistory, sovereignty, geography and money are timely topics in todays global economic marketplace. Money has attracted a major part of mankind’s attention since its invention in Asia Minor in the 7th century B.C. It has had many uses over the ages beyond its original development for purposes of long distance trade and military power. Among the most important and least studied is the use of money as a means of communication through their designs and legends. A nation’s money is often the first impression a visitor gets of the nature of a country. As such, the designs and legends placed... | ★★★★★ $19.95 to wish list |