Michael Lyth
When I was born on August the sixth nineteen fifty nine I was a magical moment for my parent’s as my mother thought she was carrying twins. I was just a heavy child. I grew up mischievous and daring without any fear of what I was about to learn from the world. I was first introduced by a junior’s school friend Joe who had a large magic set. To which I learnt all its contents off by heart better than its owner Joe. I was given two magic books for a Christmas gift one Magic with science by Author Walter B. Gibson, a Collins publication, and Dunninger’s Complete Encyclopaedia of magic by Spring books. Those two books I will admittedly say where read well before Christmas as I knew where the key to the wardrobe was kept and any gifts hidden from view. So pocket money saved and three Air fix magic sets 1, 2 and 3 later I soon started performing full of confidence. I now have a very large working library of magic books, DVDs and related arts love all forms of entertainment in connection with magic, mentalism, Punch and Judy, close-up magic, stage and illusion, fire eating bed of nails stilt walking, face painting balloon sculpture and unicycle riding. I have met and enjoyed the company of many magicians in my time practicing with many.
When I lost My Friend Kevin Reay due to his early death in life it knocked me side wards and some of my confidence. But I dealt with the loss by continuing to practice as if he was still here and the odd game of chess too and sharing ideas through various magic related magic mainly Abracadabra by Goodlife publications and items manufactured by Magictrix and Supreme magic. I still continue practicing and working on new ideas. As sleep is a problem for me. I now only perform to keep my arthritis at bay and my mind of my poor health.
My Partner in life Gillian keeps me motivated as does Mia the Cat and importantly for me my faith with performing as dose new magic/mentalism and related arts. The one writer I am currently following with great interest is the Unknown mentalist who has sparked some energy back into this old body. If you love magic never dismiss any old ideas and embrace the new for tomorrow they will be today’s classics of magic. Never forget your loved ones. And remember to show them they are loved. Enjoy your Art and skill it gives you life.