Mickey Mace
Mickey Mace has been amazing audiences since his teenage years as half of a comedy magic duo called “The Mystifiers”.
His work now is mostly mental magic and mostly for corporate audiences. As a business consultant to many of the world’s leading companies, Mickey Mace integrates organization and process design psychology with his effects. After 25-plus years of performing/consulting, he has decided to take his favorite effects and make them commercially available. Mickey has rewritten the patter for all his effects to “remove” them from their corporate milieu and make them friendly for small gatherings, table-hopping or even stage events.
Mickey Mace’s mental effects are funny, amazing, direct and relatively easy to execute … the “magic” occurs in the performance itself. In each manuscript, Mr. Mace carefully describesthe effect so the reader can understand the mechanics of the effect itself plus the principles used. While patter is provided, Mickey strong recommends each performer structure the effect around his or her own persona. Only a detailed description can allow for this.