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Moe's Miracles
by Moe Seidenstein


(3 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Moe's Miracles by Moe Seidenstein

Moe Seidenstein was a legendary character who baffled the magic convention attendees in the 1930s with "Moe's Move a Card" and "Think a Card," stunning effects with no possible hint as to method. Then, Moe disappeared. Now you can learn 11 of Moe's tricks - well, actually 10 because for one no method is given. Moe relies heavily on estimation. A good primer for estimation is Kato on Estimation.

11 pages.

  1. The 'Moe' Look At A Card Trick
  2. Moe's Counting
  3. Moe's Location While The Back Is Turned
  4. Moe's Riffle Behind The Back Location
  5. Another More Mental Force
  6. Moe's Spread Trick
  7. Moe's Card Riffle Over The Head Location
  8. Moe's Fifteen Card Trick
  9. Moe's Fan Card Location
  10. A Card Location While The Back Is Turned
  11. Improvement On The Moe Card Trick

word count: 1914 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text