Recil Bordner, Publisher
Neil Foster Editor
609 pages
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 1 - January 1969 - 52 pages
- Cover - Dick Oslund
- Contents
- Cover Portrait - Dick Oslund - by Dennis R. Loomis
- A Day with Dick Oslund's "Fun and Fantasy" - Rev. Robert Olson
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
- Correction - ad for "The Professional Technique for Magicians"
- Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
- Duke's Crazy Page - Duke Stern
- patter in rhyme for 'Give Away' card - Duke Stern
- patter in rhyme for 'Give Away' card - Dr. F. Cheney
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- Dissolving Knot ala Jap Box
- Duke Stern's Magic "Fun-Word Puzzle"
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- Full-House Poker Prediction
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- The Thinking Rings - cartoon - Ed Eckl
- Shapes - Peter Warlock
- David Meets Goliath - Eddie Joseph
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magician of the Month - John Daly
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- reviews
- Comedy Magic - Bill Severn
- The Vanishing Leprechaun - William Elliott
- Holiday Greetings - Jimmy Lake
- Flim-Flam - Stan Lobenstern
- Tel-A-Color Pins - Stan Lobenstern
- Ready - Stan Lobenstern
- The Mad Mad Mad World of Bob Lynn - lecture - Bob Lynn
- Edwin's Ribbon Rings - Edwin Hopper
- Hallo Mr. Punch - Edwin Hooper
- Supreme Catalog, No. 4, Part 3
- The Atomic Beads - Leslie Guest
- Top Hat Topics
- Air Pollution routine for Thumb Fun -0 Bill Severn
- The Pentagram to be re-issued
- Poet's Corner - Marie Dornfield
- Somersaulting A-2-3 - Edard Marlo
- On The Spot - Ed Mishell
- Matchless - Olindo Galluccio
- McAthy's Ventopics - George McAthy
- Notice! - re" Tony Slydini lecture tour
- To Whom It May Concern - Robert Harbin - re: Zig-Zag Girl
- In Next Month's Tops
- Letter to the Editor - John Salisse - re: Zig-Zag Girl
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 2 - February 1969 - 56 pages
- Cover - Peter Warlock
- Hong Kong Kin Kong - Neil Foster - re: the flu
- Contents
- Cover Portrait - Peter Warlock - by Elizabeth Warlock
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- Bill Sachs - Show Business Magazine Chief Retires
- Fox Tales - Karrell Fox
- Karrell Fox Personal Opinion Awards
- Final Curtain
- James Shannon
- Dr. Glenn E. Parshall
- On The Spot - Ed Mishell
- Trick of the Month - Eye Test - Larry Arcuri
- Poet's Corner - Marie Dornfield
- Free from Bondage - Eddie Joseph
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- reviews
- Premonition Outdone - Stan Lobenstern
- 52 Forcing Deck - Stan Lobenstern
- Come Together Silks - John Scarne
- Waltzing Matilda - Steve St. Eve
- Triple Threat - Ned Rutledge
- Confusing Card Rise - Supreme
- Pricking the Garter Routine - Fred Lowe
- Fredlo Developments - list
- Rat Race - Richard Stride
- The Artful Dodges of Eddie Fields - Eddie Fields
- Abbott's Anthology of Card Magic - Gordon Miller, compiler
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- The Return of Stan - Stewart James
- Thurston in Chicago in 1909 - John Braun
- Multiple Twentieth Century - Peter Warlock
- Life's Common Denominator - Benjamin J. Kleinman
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- A New Routine for Abbott's Flower Surprise - Sparky "The Magic Clown"
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- Memory Act
- The Christian Conjurer
- Break Away Box or When the Trumpet Sounds Again
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magician of the Month - Robert Kochan
- Twenty-Five Years Ago in "Tops"
- The Birthday Surprise - Mortimer the Magician (M. John Ruger)
- Parasol Production Opening - Rosario Painchaud
- Duke's Crazy Page - Duke Stern
- a "Math-a-Magical" effect - Cliff Lesta
- For Women Only - Frances Ireland Marshall
- Notice from The Chipmunks
- Where's My Mail?
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- use of a sunlamp before mingling with customers - Dicky Dean
- Answer to last month's "Fun-Word Puzzle"
- The Thinking Rings - cartoon - Ed Eckl
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 3 - March 1969 - 48 pages
- Cover - The Amazing Scalzo & Co.
- Contents
- Cover Portrait - The Amazing Scalzo and Company - Dr. Harry Teel Hoffman
- It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
- Poet's Corner - Marie Dornfield
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- "Where's My Mail" Follow-Up
- Notice - re: Longshoreman's Strike
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- magazines
- Abracadabra
- Genii, October, November & December
- Cooper's Hero Hobby
- The Christian Conjurer
- Gospel News
- The Gen, September thru December
- Vent-O-Gram
- The Magic Net
- The Magic Cauldron
- The Magic Carpet
- Top Hat
- Simsalabim
- The Magigram
- The Pallbearers Review
- Magic Publicity, December
- The Magical Bookie
- club papers
- Yogi-Gram
- Houdini-Gram
- Pentacle
- Barnstormer
- The Spellbinder
- tricks, books, etc.
- Bi-Color-Kut - Leslie Guest & Stewart Judah
- Supersonic Silk on Sash - Supreme
- "will this one do? Novelty effect - Supreme
- Tarbell Index - Mercer Helms
- Abbott's Anthology of Card Magic - 3 Volumes
- The Dean Speaks - Dicky Dean
- Marconick's Unique Silk Magic - Marconick
- Foiled - Ned Rutledge
- Sorcar - publicity
- lists
- Norm Osborn's Trading Post
- La Wain House of Magic
- Martin's Magic Shop
- Ray Sajor Magic
- C. B. Yohe
- Robert Nelson
- Trick Talk - Magic, Inc.
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magician of the Month - Mike Stratton
- News Release - re: Pittsburgh Magic Conclave
- Phillip Morris
- The Slip Off - Peter Warlock
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- The "Elevator" Trick (A Variation)
- Latest Head Chopper Gag!
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- Rabbit to Candy or The Word of God
- My Friend Jimmy Mulcay - Monk Watson
- McAthy's Ventopics - George McAthy
- Will The Real Dummy Please Sit Down - Jim Williams
- Final Curtain
- Herbert Swanson - by Gil Scott
- Clown Directory - H. W. Padowitz (Ho-Ho the TV Magic Clown)
- Moveable Card Pass - Edward Marlo
- The Moveable Card
- Moveable Card Effects
- Miracle Card Stab Location
- Marlo's Ultra Mental (Impromptu)
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- Letter to the Editor - from Jim Sommers
- The Great Divide - An Illusion - DeVega
- Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
- variation of a trick involving styro-foam cups
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- keep rubber items in the refrigerator - Doctor Boris Zola
- "Magic World" with Milbourne Christopher
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 4 - April 1969 - 56 pages
- Cover - Gene Gordon
- "Make Me Disappear!" - J. Marberger Stuart
- Cover Portrait - Gene Gordon - by Sid Lorraine
- News Release - Pittsburgh Magic Conclave
- Contents
- It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
- On The Spot - Ed Mishell
- letter from Richard M. Nixon to Bert Pichel
- Trick of the Month - Copper and Silver Coin Transposition - Olindo Galluccio
- Second Trick of the Month - addition to The Invisible Thread - Arun Bonerjee
- A Letter From the Editor - re: Catherine Marie Creer
- Illusion Show To Open in New York - re: "Make Me Disappear!" - J. Marberger Stuart
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- Fox Tales - Karrell Fox
- Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
- The Thinking Rings - cartoon - Ed Eckl
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- Warning re Sun Lamp Tip (February "Sid Lorraine Tip of the Month")
- ""Coppertone Quick Tanning" a safer approach - J. H. Patterson
- reviews
- ESP Party Games - David Hoy
- M-U-M, January
- Tricks of a Trouper - Jack LeDair - republished
- Genial Improbabilities - Ken de Courcy - republished
- Something Strange - Tony Shiels
- Tannen Catalog Number 7
- Faro Fantasy - Paul Swinford
- Instant Fertile Knots - Eddie Joseph
- Prime Effect
- Second Effect
- Third Effect
- Fourth Effect
- Fifth Effect
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- invisible tread hooks from jeweler's sterling silver wire - Mr. Lyle
- New Tops Index 1968 - Volume Eight - Dale Salwak, compiler
- Twenty-Five Years Ago in "Tops"
- Magic Hair Grower - M. J. Ruger
- McAthy's Ventopics - George McAthy
- Batting the Breeze - John J. Bogorae
- Announcing!! - Potter Magic Palace
- For Women Only - Frances Ireland Marshall
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magician of the Month - Denny Bush
- Clowns of America - The Greatest Club on Earth
- Poet's Corner - Marie Dornfield
- If Winter Comes & So Forth
- Final Curtain
- Mrs. Richard O. Mossey
- Stanley E. O'Neal
- Carl Rosini - by Ed W. Dart
- Duke's Crazy Page - Duke Stern
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- Breaking the Bands of Death
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- The Lie Detector (Trost Variation)
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- Tops Congratulates
- Mr. & Mrs. Carl Jay Doxtator on their marriage
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 5 - May 1969 - 52 pages
- Cover - The Gustafsons
- Cover Portrait - Richard and Joanne Gustafson - Present ... Magic by Candlelight - by Walter Zaney Blaney
- Contents
- It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
- Ventopics - George McAthy
- On The Spot - Ed Mishell
- Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
- Instant Replay - Stewart James
- The Poetess' Corner - Marie Dornfield
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- Missionary Draws Crowds to His Sermons with Bag of Tricks
- Bread to Baker
- The Thinking Rings - cartoon - Ed Eckl
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- Tantalizing Token - Eddie Joseph
- Frances and Jay Marshall will be featured at the Am-Can Conclave
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magicians of the Month - Glen and Lee Schrmm
- 41st S.A.M. Gala Meet Set
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- rope magnets from a stud finder - Jerry Fulton
- William F. Becker To Tour Europe
- Magi-Ministers Lecture August 22
- Duke's Crazy Page - Duke Stern
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- reviews
- Q-T Cup - Leslie Guest
- Mini Wand - Alexander the Great
- Turnover - Paul Diamond
- Power of Mind - Magi-Fects
- Predict-A-Slate - Jim Edwards
- Mentalistrix Encore - The Amazing Maurice
- magazines
- The Boston Barnstormer
- Abracadabra (now over 1200 issues)
- The Thistle
- M-U-M, February & March
- The Pallbearers Review
- The Spellbinder
- The Spirit Trumpet
- The Pentacle
- Yogi-Gram
- Magic-Net
- The Christian Conjurer
- Magic Carpet
- The Magic Cauldron No. 31
- Red Magic - reprint - Magic Collectors Reprint Series
- Genii, January & February
- Gen, January
- The Magigram, March-April
- Magical Bookie, January
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- Chapeau Act Patter - Philip Morris
- Fox Tales - Karrell Fox
- For Women Only - Frances Ireland Marshall
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 6 - June 1969 - 52 pages
- Cover - John Grdina
- Cover Portrait - John Grdina - Dean of Cleveland Magicians - by James Hagy
- Tops Sends Get-Well Wishes To
- Edward W. Dart
- Jack Gwynne
- W. R. (Russ) Walsh
- Tony Torino [Kardyro]
- Contents
- It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
- For Women Only - Frances Ireland Marshall
- Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
- The Thinking Rings - cartoon - Ed Eckl
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- reviews
- The Dean Speaks, Supplement - Dicky Dean
- The New Pentagram, first issue
- Thumb Fun - presentation - Tom Fitzgerald
- Rab-Hit - Supreme
- Sorcar - publicity
- lists
- New Era Magic
- Bud Buonocore
- Top Hat Topics
- Guest Chat #3
- Paul Stadelman
- La Wain House of Magic
- Twenty-Five Years Ago in "Tops"
- The Impatient Bunny - Wm. Mack, Jr.
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magician of the Month - Stephen Beutler
- Final Curtain
- Houdini Magical Hall of Fame ... Featuring ... Ron Conley
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- Ball Thru Bolt
- A Camel Through a Needle's Eye
- Block on Cord
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- roughing fluid for levitations - John Ould
- Thank You - from Cathy Creer
- Chicago Magigals 25th Anniversary - Frances Ireland Marshall
- The Old Rugged Cross - Phillip Morris
- A Star is Born - Jole Ann Lund to Dr. John and Donna Lund
- Roy Houston Featured Illusionist with Hoxie Borthers Circus
- Bob Lynn Fires Away!
- "The Witch Went Where" Illusion - Phillip Morris
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- Poker Demonstration with Special Pack
- The Poetess' Corner - Marie Dornfield
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- Abbott's Third Annual Vent-O-Rama
- Ken Griffin and Roberta Return from Overseas Tour
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- Ventopics - George McAthy
- You Said It - John Bogorae
- Fox Tales - Karrell Fox
- On The Spot - Ed Mishell
- Trick of the Month - coin glass routine - Morty Rudnick
- Captive Smoke - Eddie Joseph
- Duke's Crazy Page - Duke Stern
- Phoa Yan Tiong Arrives in United States
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 7 - July 1969 - 52 pages
- Cover - Abbott's 32nd Magic Get-Together - Bob Lewis & Ginny - Scalzo & Co. - Neil Foster - Ralph Adams
- After the Minnows Comes the Whale! - Abbott's Magic Get-Together
- Contents
- It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
- Ventopics - George McAthy
- The Two Headed Man - David Ray
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- Burst of Color - David Ray
- Thinking Cap - David Ray
- Self Destruct in 10 Seconds - Dick Oslund
- The Uncola Cola - Dick Oslund
- Rubber Beer Bottle Gag - Tommy Windsor
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- reviews
- Now You Can Get The Best of 'Senator' Crandall
- Nelson Enterprises 50th Anniversary Catalog
- Ribbon Release - Supreme
- Encyclopedia of Dove Magic - Ian Adair
- Wanna Bet? - Frances Marshall
- Fun With a Handkerchief - Philip R. Willmarth
- Black Art Well Tricks - Charles Earl Miller, editor
- The Dove Worker's Handbook, Vol. 2 - Darryl Hutton & Micky Hades
- Basic Make-Up for Magicians - John D. Pomeroy
- The New Pentagram, March & April
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- "3M Sprament" for Clipp-O - Rick Jefferies
- Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magician of the Month - Bill Nagler
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- The Card Between Cardboards
- Vents Day Is Not Wednesday, It's Saturday - July 19
- For Women Only - Frances Ireland Marshall
- To Whom It May Concern - re: Hollywood Ring 21
- A Routine for "Phone-Y Ring" - Bert Douglas
- Mis-Made Flag Routine for Kid-Shows - Dr. John Lund
- Final Curtain
- Edward J. Caupert
- Ramon LaRue "Sir Edwards"
- Cliff Green
- Mrs. Walter Schroeder
- In Loving Memory of Dr. Zina Bennett - from Suzy Wandas Bennett
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- The Poetess' Corner - Marie Antoinette Dornfield
- Duke's Crazy Page - Duke Stern
- On The Spot - Ed Mishell
- Trick of the Month - rocketing lit match - John Mueller
- Everette Mires the Magician - Wesley Braun
- Doubly Odd Combination - Eddie Joseph
- photo - SP/5 Marx Straw
- The Thinking Rings - cartoon - Ed Eckl
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 8 & 9 - August & September 1969 - 72 pages
- Cover - Abbott's 32nd Magic Get-Together - Karrell Fox & Duke Stern - Senor Torino & Faye - Bill Tadlock & Sally - The Amazing Conklins
- From the Editor's Desk - Neil Foster
- Contents
- It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
- Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
- The Jack Gwynne Traveling Trophy for Excellence in Magic
- Flash - re: John Daniel
- The Deal Steal - Jimmy Nuzzo
- Coin Crush - Philip Jamison, III
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- practice golf balls as silk gimmicks - Jerry Fulton
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- Look Out Colon! The Canadians Are Coming!
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- The Magician and Spectator Select the Same Card
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- Deca-Trix - Tom Hubbard
- 1 - One Handed Silk Grab
- 2 - The Hanging Cards
- 3 - Miser's Dream Using a Paper Sack Here Again
- 4 - Snap, Crackle, Pop
- 5 - Extraordinary Skill and Unconquerable Swiftness
- 6 - Snakini and His Little Show
- 7 - The Balancing Coin
- 8 - Crazy Count Again
- 9 - A Relaxed Beginning
- 10 - You Too Can Become ...
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- E.S.P. by Phone - Philip Morris
- Kolar Plus Kirk - Kirk Stiles
- NY-CAN to be Held in Elmira, New York
- Twenty-Five Years Ago in "Tops"
- Oswald - A Short Treatise on the Care and Handling of a "Life-Like" Rabbit - Mortimer the Magician (M. J. Ruger)
- The "Slip Count" Principle (Marlo Technique) - Edward Marlo
- The Marlo Technique for the Slip Count
- The Center Variation
- Mental Stab Again
- Umpteenth Method
- Instant Hypno - Sparky "The Magic Clown"
- Fox Tales - Karrell Fox
- In Memoriam - Percy Abbott 1886-1960
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- With The Magic Club Publications
- Spirit Trumpet
- Big Bob's Magic Club News
- The S.A.M. Spellbinder
- The Boston Barnstormer
- Houdinigram
- The Christian Conjurer
- All India Magic Circle Bulletin
- The Pentacle
- Magic Net [India]
- Yogi-Gram
- From The Dealers [lists]
- LaWain's House of Magic
- Gene Shelly
- Lecture - Jimmy Lake
- Looking Over The Magazines
- Magic and Publicity
- The Thistle, June
- Vent-O-Gram, March-April
- Cooper's Hero Hobby, Spring
- The Magic Carpet, 7th Anniversary Issue
- M-U-M, April & May
- The Magigram, May-June
- The Pallbearers Review, March, April & May
- The Gen, February, March & April
- New Pentagram
- Genii, March thru June
- New Books and Tricks
- More Fun with Balloons - Van Dyke
- Popsie - Supreme
- Chip Stack - Supreme
- Clown Magic - Stubby the Clown
- Stage Mentalism - North Bigbee
- The Thinking Rings - cartoon - Ed Eckl
- On The Spot - Ed Mishell
- Sitting in for Ed Mishell This Month is James Nagy
- Trick of the Month - The Indian Stones - Merl Hamen
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magician of the Month - David Baxter
- 4 More Routines with Phone-y Ring - John Sherwood
- Sally
- Crank Call
- Repeat Gag
- Guillotine
- A New Star is Born
- Miss Tracy Debra Curren to Richard and Sheila Curren
- The Poetess' Corner - Marie Antoinette Dornfield
- Congratulations on Your 32nd Anniversary
- For Women Only - Frances Ireland Marshall
- Berlin Brothers Unable to Attend Get-Together
- Ventopics - George McAthy
- Here We Go Again - John J. Bogorae
- Parasol Patter - Jimmie Embree
- Vanishing Wand Patter - Edmond Hunt
- Routine with Four Solid Balls - Con Rad
- A Gag for Service Magi - Pfc. Joseph T. Kenneally
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 10 - October 1969 - 60 pages
- Cover - Jimmy & Fay Trimble
- Cover Portrait - Jimmy Trimble - by Frances Marshall
- Contents
- Abbott's 32nd Magic Get-Together - John Braun
- photos - Wednesday
- photos - Thursday
- photos - Friday
- photos - Saturday
- A Quick Card Gag - John Osborne
- Tops Congratulates
- Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm B. Campbell on their marriage
- A New Star is Born
- Jason Todd Glick to Jerrold and Barbara Glick
- Poetess' Corner - Marie Dornfield
- Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
- News Release - re: The Armed Forces Magicians' Association (AFMA)
- The Thinking Rings - cartoon - Ed Eckl
- Handy Halloweener - North Bigbee
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- The Bartender's Poker Deal, Improved
- Selling Safety Magic - Walter Wilson
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- reviews
- The Hierophant
- Magical Reprint Series [Walter Graham] - Mahatma, Volume 1, Number 1, March 1895
- Double Wall Pitcher - Richard Durham
- Liquid Transposition - Richard Durham
- Swirl-It Ribbons - Supreme
- Tri-Empathy - Ned Rutledge
- Sympatico
- One Minute Seance
- Fantom Fingertips
- Minding the Store - Ned Rutledge
- Astro-Mental - Ned Rutledge
- The Burning Witch - Kirk Stiles
- Roughingly Yours - Aldini
- Meet "The Senator" Packet - Magic, Inc.
- Double Confusion
- All Fair Poker Deal
- The Senator's Palm Reading Routine
- An Invitation to Mystery - Tony Griffith
- Hold-Out Miracles - Ed Mishell
- Ultimate Color Separation No. 2 - Verne Chesbro
- David Ginn's Colorful Magic - David Ginn
- The Art of Eddie Joseph
- Ventopics - George McAthy
- Gorilla My Dreams - Jim Williams
- Duke's Crazy Page - Duke Stern
- Duke's "Spellbinder Deck"
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- Tops Sends Get-Well Wishes To
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- metal clips used to display price tickets
- On The Spot - Ed Mishell
- Trick of the Month No. 1 - necktie gag - Mort Rudnick
- Trick of the Month No. 2 - giant penny and glass Quickie - Mort Rudnick
- A Dream Vacation - Irving Desfor
- The Fabulous Jay Vincent Show
- It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
- Ray Fillmore Honored
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magician of the Month - Philmutini (Philip the Magician / Philip Sammut)
- Strange Affinity - Eddie Joseph
- Final Curtain
- Fox Tales - Karrell Fox
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 11 - November 1969 - 56 pages
- Cover - Francis B. Martineau
- Cover Portrait - Francis B. Martineau - by Sid Lorraine
- Contents
- It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
- Duke's Crazy Page - Duke Stern
- Comes Now - Trick Time - tailor's tape force
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- Twenty-Five Years Ago in "Tops"
- The Night Club Hindu Rope - Mortimer The Magician (M. J. Ruger)
- Tops Sends Get-Well Wishes To
- Betty Martin (Mrs. Harold Martin)
- photo - re: Mr. Bob and Julie
- Final Curtain
- Jean Randlett (Mrs. Sam Randlett) - Frances Marshall
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- reviews
- The Art of Eddie Joseph - [Hugh Miller, editor]
- Di-Mini-Fish - Warren Stephens
- Silly Spots - Warren Stephens
- Aldini's Miracle Salt Shaker - Aldini
- Polter Penny - Wallis Reid
- Bottom's Up - Joe Fenechel
- Fold 'N Fun
- Cash Me In - Ken Alfredson
- Invisible Bottle - Ken Alfredson
- Bowl-Go - complete or plans - Abbott's
- The Straight Gambler - Senator Crandall
- Roughly Wild - Aldini
- Roughing Fluid - Aldini
- Jack Gwynne - publicity
- effect with a religious touch - Jimmy Lake
- Moon Rock - Sid Lorraine
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magician of the Month - Fred Williams, Jr.
- Kismet [Martin L. Sunshine] Honored at Dinner
- Poetess' Corner - Marie Dornfield
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- "Seven Card Draw" Prediction
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- "Scotch Magic Tape" for coin manipulation - Jack Barrows
- I Remember ... Harry Blackstone 1885-1965 - by David Price
- Invitation to Mystery - Stewart James
- Mento-Opener - Peter Warlock
- The Other Slip Off - Peter Warlock
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
- The Thinking Rings - cartoon - Ed Eckl
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- The Linking Rings
- Dice Color Change
- On The Spot - Ed Mishell
- Trick of the Month - silk bit - Patrick Page
- A Dazzling New Revue - John Daniel's ShaZzam!
- Ventopics - George McAthy
- Ignorance is Bliss - John Bogorae
- Rhapsody in Thimbles - Eddie Joseph
- Fox Tales - Karrell Fox
- Selling Safety Magic - Walter Wilson
- The New Tops - Volume 9, Number 12 - December 1969 - 56 pages
- Cover - Francis Haxton
- Contents
- It's a Mystery to Me - Clarke "The Senator" Crandall
- Cover Portrait - Francis Haxton - by Elizabeth Warlock
- Invitation to Mystery - Stewart James
- The Professional Touch - "Monk" Watson
- Gospel Magic - Rev. Robert E. Olson
- The Converted Die Box - Lubil
- Johnstone's Column - By George [Johnstone]
- Mentalism & Things Psychic - Bob Nelson
- Wool = Peter Warlock
- photo - Bob Lynn
- More Puns & Gags for the Crazy $ Collectors - Sid Lorraine
- Harry Houdini 1974-1926
- Sid Lorraine's Chatter - Sid Lorraine
- Annual Listing of Magazines
- Abracadabra
- A.I.M.C. Bulletin
- Boston Barnstormer
- Bog Bob's Magic Club News
- ooper's Hero Hobby
- The Christian Conjurer
- The Flapping Bird
- The Gen
- Genii
- Houdini-Gram
- Ibidem
- The Linking Ring
- The Magic Carpet
- The Magic Cauldron
- The Magic Lamp
- The Magic Net
- Magical Bookie
- The Magigram
- Magic Publicity Advertising
- M-U-M
- Mystics
- The New Tops
- The Pallbearers Review
- The New Pentagram
- The Pentacle
- Misdirection
- The Spirit Trumpet
- The Spellbinder
- Top Hat
- Vent-O-Gram
- Velki
- Yogi-Gram
- Price Changes for Cat. No. 17
- Poetess' Corner - Marie Antoinette Dornfield
- Office Party
- Christmas Toast
- Selling Safety Magic - Walter Wilson
- School Safety Story Using 20th Century Silks
- Sid Lorraine's Tip of the Month
- small metal cups and balls - "Marv" Mathena
- Conjuring with Cards - Nick Trost
- Follow the Leader with Seven Pairs
- Twenty-Five Years Ago in "Tops"
- A Simplified Linking Ring Routine - Percy Abbott
- photo - Fantasio
- The Cascade Finale - Eddie Joseph
- Just for Us Young Guys - John Sherwood
- Magician of the Year - John Daly
- On The Spot - Ed Mishell
- Kid Show Forum - Bruce Posgate
- The Rice Meters - Bob Logan
- Duke's Crazy Page - Duke Stern
- The Thinking Rings - cartoon - Ed Eckl
- Fox Tales - Karrell Fox
- bags for Hippity-Hop Rabbits - John Osborne
word count: 336460 which is equivalent to 1345 standard pages of text