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by David Gabbay

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Noteworthy by David Gabbay

Inside these notes you will find routines, thoughts, and short essays on the art of magic. These effects range from quick fun effects to full blown formal close-up routines. There is something for every close-up performer in here. Lessons in misdirection are found throughout this ebook. Principles explored with in this magic lecture can be applied to many effects you already perform. The effects are straightforward and hard hitting for real audience. Simple workable routines and ideas.

Magic Effects

TacsMan: One by one, a dime, penny, and quarter penetrate a tic tac box.

Sweet: A truly impromptu signed coin to sugar packet effect. The coin is signed, and the spectator pulls it out of the packet them-self.

Window to the Soul: An unknowing spectator becomes the magician as they look into your eyes and "see" the card selected by another spectator.

Fair & Square: A credit card reader is used in a most novel way as a playing card vanishes and reappears inside the card box.

Clown Purse: The classic pen from purse effect modernized. A pen is removed from a tiny purse. After it is used the magician puts the pen back into the purse.

Coin Ninja: A variation of the karate coin, using a bit more misdirection than we are used to.

Purse Time: Using a principle rarely used in close-up magic, a signed card appears inside a mesh wire frame in full view of the audience at all times. This effect is a real stunner and magician fooler.

Paper Prison: A clean fun handling of the signed card in box effect. Full of misdirection and principles of timing.

Dizzy Tenkai (The Card that Falls Up): A novel use of a well known move.

Gabbay's Coin Opener: One of the best four coin productions you will ever use. Invisible coins are placed on the table one by one. The fourth coin becomes visible and moments later the invisible coins placed on the table are now visible and real. A startling effect that exploits strong misdirective elements.

Short Essays

Suggested Focus & Inception: A short discussion about misdirection and what it means.

Let it Breathe: Letting your magic breathe is one of the easiest things you can do to make your magic stronger.

Abundance Mentality: Magic is abundant, let's keep it that way.

No Mistakes: You will make mistakes, but no one has to know.

Malini & YouTube: Malini would make a horrible youtube magician, but that isn't so bad.

Fantasy & Fantastic: Where does your magic powers come from?

Sure To Inspire: Inspiration is always good. How can we harness it?

1st edition 2012, 67 pages.
word count: 11297 which is equivalent to 45 standard pages of text