Imagine a deck that secretly tells you both the identity of a thought-of card and that card's numeric location, either in that deck or in another deck. Think of all the memorized deck applications this would simplify.
No memory work.
No tricky calculations to arrive at the card’s location.
Think of the myriad mentalism applications. A spectator peeks at any card in the deck and you instantly know what the card is and at what number it resides from the top or bottom of that deck or another deck. What's more, you obviously never see the back of the peeked card, which eliminates the notion of marked cards in the spectators' minds. Nor do you glimpse its face. Nevertheless, the necessary information is conveyed to you in an instant. And it is as easy as falling off a log.
Such is Numen's Utility Deck (NUD).
David describes everything precisely in this ebook including photos and a host of applications for NUD:
- ACAANUD (Any Card At Any Number Using NUD)
- TOCAAN (Thought of Card At Any Number)
- Nine Brass Monkeys
- A CAP'N NUD (Any Card At Predicted Number Using NUD)
- Meant to be NUD
- Chantastic
- Thought of Card to Wallet
[Numen's Utility Deck is an extension of a peek deck that goes back to Franklin Taylor and has been described earlier by Ken Krenzel and Juan Tamariz. David independently recreated this method.]
1st edition 2009; 21 pages
word count: 5899 which is equivalent to 23 standard pages of text