$5(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★
Here is a mental effect that is useful for after-dinner shows.
On the performer's table stand five bottled drinks. All contain different drinks, but they are all the same size. A spectator is invited to mentally choose one, then they are covered by him with five identical covers and, finally, mixed so no one can know the position of any particular drink. At this point, the performer turns his back and directs the spectator to move the bottles himself. Then one by one they are eliminated until only one remains.
He is asked to name the drink he chose, then lift the cover from the remaining bottle. It is the one he wanted. He is presented with a glass and the magician opens the bottle and asks him to drink to the health of the audience.
The effect can be done totally impromptu. Everything is well explained in the usual style of Ken De Courcy.
5 pages
word count: 1000 which is equivalent to 4 standard pages of text