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Pasteboard Prowler
by Ken de Courcy


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Pasteboard Prowler by Ken de Courcy

A "Coin Assembly" with a signed and torn playing card with a surprising finish.

EFFECT: A spectator shuffles a pack then removes a card. The card is signed on the face by the spectator and torn into four quarters, and then an indifferent card is shown and laid aside face down on the table. One at a time the four quarters of the chosen card are vanished and reappear under the indifferent card. When the fourth corner should have arrived, however, there is nothing at all under the card ... all four have vanished. When the card is turned over, it is found to be the chosen card, complete with signature. A truly amazing effect that will be long remembered.

1st edition 1982, PDF 4 pages.
word count: 1555 which is equivalent to 6 standard pages of text