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Paul M. Carnazzo

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Paul M. Carnazzo
The Unfolding by Paul M. Carnazzo


Three photographs are displayed; each is of a different statue of Marcus Aurelius. (The photographs can be any 3, so presentational possibilities are endless) It is explained that Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor, and is also considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers. One of his most famous quotes is displayed:

"Everything is unfolding as it must, and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so."

The mentalist explains that this philosophy will be put to the test. A man and a woman are asked to help. The woman is asked to choose a photo...any one...a...

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Paul M. Carnazzo
Farmacology by Paul M. Carnazzo

Three game cards from the (fictitious) board game, "Farmtown" are displayed. Each card is printed with four different items. One has four animals printed on it, one has four colors, and the last has four locations.

The performer explains that the game is a guessing game of sorts, in which one player tries to guess the selection of their opponent. The performer explains that due to his mind reading abilities, he's always had an unfair advantage!

The participant is asked to think of one item on each of the cards. With no questions, fishing, cueing, pumping, guessing, etc., the performer...

★★★★★ $10
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