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Phone Home: Confessions of a Telephone Reader
by David Numen

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Phone Home: Confessions of a Telephone Reader by David Numen

Phone Home is on David's experiences as a telephone reader packed with tips that anyone can use to enhance their readings including a system for generating "Angel Readings" which some would say is worth the price of the ebook alone.

"Great Read…It is way past time for this subject to get back in the reader's domain." - Millard Longman

"Very good thinking on David's part: well done. Angels have been always a popular thing with people as long as I can remember. Doing an angel reading is powerful and memorable and you hardly ever see anyone doing it. David put much thought into this one. I love the thinking that went into this. I enjoyed it very much." - Neal Scryer

"I thoroughly enjoyed "Phone Home." It's full of valuable information for any reader. I particularly liked the material on angel readings. Congratulations on developing valuable, new material that will benefit all readers." - Richard Webster

1st edition 2013, 35 pages.
word count: 9288 which is equivalent to 37 standard pages of text