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Pick Up Tricks
by Wolfgang Moser

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Pick Up Tricks by Wolfgang Moser

The title of this download DVD is not entirely correct. Yes, you can certainly use these tricks to pick up chicks, but they are also great effects simply for entertainment purposes and not to score with the ladies.

One unique feature of this product is that there is no spoken word, everything is mimed both the performance and the explanation. This is quite a refreshing idea and bridges language barriers.

These effects work particularly well in bars, restaurants or other places where people gather and socialize. You will find some old favorites and some new and unusual items. The highlight is an impromptu self levitation. The gimmick you need can be created on the fly.

The effects you will learn are:

  • Burned match
  • Vanishing foot
  • Appearing glass
  • Linking brezel
  • Cigarette duplication
  • Vanishing sugar
  • Bending spoon
  • Appearing banknote
  • Wandering ashes
  • Rose from napkin
  • Banknote roll
  • Thread trick
  • Chiropractic gag
  • One hand match lighting
  • Wallpaper gag
  • Cigarette manipulation
  • Banknote tear and restoration
  • Self-levitation with jacket