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Precog by (Benny) Ben Harris

Ben Harris combines old school methodology with digital magic in a way that opens up a lot of presentational possibilities. The manuscript is complete with artwork to easily print out the QR code cards required. Here's the effect:

A small packet of about a dozen cards is introduced. These are "Pre-Cog Test Cards" that the performer had acquired at a recent "Minds in Progress" seminar.

One card is white with Pre-Cog test instructions printed on both sides along with a SINGLE QR CODE. The performer explains that this code can be scanned to reveal the outcome of a precognitive test. The performer asks for the assistance of a spectator with a QR scanner on their smart phone. THE SINGLE TEST CARD IS PLACED ASIDE IN FULL VIEW FOR LATER USE.

The remaining cards are shown to be bluey-green illustrations of various symbols: headphones, bus, bug, palm tree, clock, plane, house, etc.

A spectator freely selects any one of the symbols and may change their mind as often as desired. Once they have decided upon one symbol it is placed on the table beside the QR code card.

The spectator now scans the QR code and is taken to the PRECOG website for their assessment. They click the button "assess me" and the website REVEALS THE FREELY CHOSEN SYMBOL. Proof indeed that the spectator's selection had been foretold.

The effect is instantly re-set, can be repeated with a different result each time, and can be performed with ANY smart phone that has a QR scan app installed.

So easy to perform it's almost self-working!

1st edition 2012, 20 pages.
word count: 1766 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Phone, Apps & eTricks