Preston Langley Hickey
If you are Preston Langley Hickey, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
If you are Preston Langley Hickey, a family member, or friend, and you would like to claim and edit this author page, please do the following:
Mental mathematical magic
A slim book, yet it contains some of the most entertaining effects with numbers ever devised. An ebook devoted to an entirely different branch of magical entertainment that, prior to its release, had never been published before. This ebook opens up a new and unique field to any entertainer. Any person of average intelligence can perform the various effects. No apparatus necessary, except for a blackboard, white board or flip chart and a writing utensil. With this ebook, anyone can produce both laughter and surprise and create a riot at any evening party with the...