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Psychological Notes Upon Sleight-of-Hand Experts
by Joseph Jastrow

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Psychological Notes Upon Sleight-of-Hand Experts by Joseph Jastrow

Jastrow wondered if the pursuit of sleight-of-hand conjuring develops any special motor or mental powers. He invited Alexander Hermann and Harry Kellar and put them through a range of tests comparing them to average folks. In this article you will find out how these two giants of conjuring compare to the average.

From the introduction:

Having recently enjoyed visits at my Psychological Laboratory from Messrs. Hermann and Kellar, the widely-known prestidigitators, I put together the results of the series of tests to which they kindly submitted. As the time at my disposal for these tests was limited, I selected such as might be supposed to be related to the processes upon which their dexterity depends, and such as seemed most likely to yield definite results.

1st edition 1896, PDF 5 pages.
word count: 2946 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text