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Rannie Raymundo

Rannie Raymundo

Rannie Raymundo known as "The Boss" and "The Manila Enforcer", is a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM), a member of the Magicians Foundation Inc. (MAGFI), a founding member of the Inner Magic Club (IMC), and also a founding member of Asian Magicians Association (AMA).

Rannie Raymundo is known in the Philippines as a singer, an actor and a magician.

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★★★★ $1
Rannie Raymundo
Sencillo by Rannie Raymundo

A super visual coins across routine.

The profits from the sales of this routine will go to various organizations that are helping victims of the earthquake in Si Chuan, China. Originally this routine was available for $15, but now Rannie has decided to make it free with any amount of donation. That is why the 'price' of this ebook is set to $1, the minimum donation. We hope that you will donate more than the minimum. To do that you only need to change the quantity in the shopping cart. Say you wanted to donate $15, the original price of the ebook, you would enter 15 as the quantity in the...