reviewed by Jim Kasmir (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 11 May, 2007)
A beautiful and inspiring work. If you love bizarre and spooky presentations, you'll treasure this. Fraughton is a genius!
reviewed by Jim Kasmir (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 11 May, 2007)
I like this very very much. If you have Pentalogy...if you like R. Shane...then you know what to expect. It is fun, antic, full of comedy. I'm surprised nobody has written a review yet. I will be trying this one out in the real world very soon. There is nothing technically demanding here, but you might require a light heart. And you even get to quote Damon Runyon! What more could you want!??! Oh get to hand out an extremely cool souvenir!
reviewed by Jim Kasmir (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Friday 23 February, 2007)
I thoroughly enjoyed this well-written ebook from Mark Piazza. The accent is on presentation, which should come as no surprise to learned students of the bizarre. Variety is abundant. Inside Shuddershadow Mansion lurk routines so dark that I would not suggest performing them at your next restaurant gig, yet there are whimsical effects suitable for all ages. One of my favorites is a chilling prediction effect entitled 'Timmy's Toy Chest' that could definitely become part of a longer seance. Then there is the comedic routine involving three ghostly stooges (or four, depending on how you perform it!). There is also a chapter of useful ideas for putting together a Poe Seance. I found the humor in this book refreshing and urge you to check it out. I don't think you'll be disappointed.