reviewed by Jack McCoy (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Thursday 23 March, 2017)
Here's the lowdown on this interesting creation by The Unknown Mentalist. I'm not an expert by any means when it comes to mentalism creations, though I'm not unfamiliar with it either. I'm 54 and been involved in magic my whole life, and have thousands of performances under my belt. Historically, I've never seen this structure before. It's very clever, and to most laypeople will be shocking or at least in-explainable. There may be an exception or 2 due to the structured procedure the spectator has to go through. The routine the Unknown Mentalist created for Psycherotika is well thought out however, and creates a nice and convincing excuse for it being done this way. It's presented as a certain aspect of mind-reading, an exercise-of-sorts. I made a set and tested it twice with my usual guinea pig immediate family members and got the desired reactions. 1 family member fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. Magician's brains will churn with delight, trying to figure it out. All in all, it's a very clever trick.
Effect: A card is handed to the spectator. A decent number of words are written on it. He/she looks them over and chooses one. Now another card is handed to them. On both sides are many individual words. The spectator looks over both sides over and decides on a word that starts with the same letter as his / her secret word (from the 1st card). Now, he / she travels through the words by, noting the last letter in their current word and selecting another word that starts with that letter. They do this as many times as the birth month (numerically). They finally concentrate on that final word and the mentalist reveals not only it, but the word they began on as well!
After reading that, you may be going "Ah,,,,,,,hmmmm, interesting.", but don't bother figuring it out. You won't, and for the reasonable price, don't bother trying.