reviewed by J.A. Murphy (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 19 December, 2018)
Being a Racherbaumer publication, I suppose I should have expected all of the routines to involve cards, but being familiar with some of the wonderful non-card versions of this principle, I was hoping for more. A quick scan reveals one routine using business cards, the rest using playing cards. I'll probably eventually read them all, but it would have been nice to be forewarned that it's all cards.
reviewed by J.A. Murphy (confirmed purchase)
Rating: ★★★★★ (Date Added: Wednesday 21 November, 2018)
Save your money! Buy the Colombini Farewell Lecture instead and get a routine that can actually fool people (Rachel's Elimination) plus 23 other Colombini routines. Tahoe's The Elimination Principle has a glaring problem which, in my mind at least, is extremely likely to discovered, and commented on, by one of the participants. Rachel's routine describes two different ways to avoid the problem. Tahoe's Intro says "The Elimination Principle was inspired by Max Maven’s Kurotsuke" -- I consider that a HIGHLY misleading claim! Kurotsuke is one of my favorite routines, but I would never dare try it using the method in this book. I kept thinking that I MUST have missed something, and I've gone back and reread the Tahoe method several times -- and I still come away saying "You've got to be kidding!"