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Richard L. Tenace

Richard L. Tenace

Richard L. Tenace did his first professional show at six years old. At nineteen he moved to Chicago and studied acting at The Players Workshop of the Second City. He has performed for The Children's Theater of the Second City. He was part of such productions as Midsummer's Night Dream, The Gathering, and The Magic of the Season. He has been a close-up magician, stage magician, and now performs as a mentalist. He has written Acting For Magicians and writes a monthly column for Visions called Stage Stuff. He teaches magic and acting classes throughout the state of NY. He lives outside Rochester, NY with his wife Suzy, has 5 step kids and his son Jonathan, and loves life and promoting the art of magic.

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★★★★★ $12
Richard L. Tenace
Acting for Magicians by Richard L. Tenace

A practical workbook for the serious performer.

One of the main reasons magicians neglect the "acting" part of magic is because magic is such a demanding discipline to learn. A performing magician wears many hats. The magician has to learn sleights, misdirection and technical prowess of the hands. The magician is the choreographer, writer, sound person, booker and promoter of his show. Learning how to develop a character often takes a back seat because "there's no time to do everything!" But taking the time to learn how to develop a real character, or stage persona, is the most important...

★★★★★ $25
Richard L. Tenace
Stage Craft for Magicians by Richard L. Tenace

The average magician focuses on tricks, moves and method. The really good ones know that acting is an even more important aspect of a magic performance, regardless of if you are standing on a stage or close-up next to a cocktail table.

Richard Tenace is one of those performers who urges all magicians to take acting classes, to develop a character or persona, to script your effects, to treat our audience with respect, to go beyond fooling somebody to achieving astonishment and entertainment.

Tenace describes these methods and practices on a very accessible and practical level. This is not...

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