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Roger Montandon

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Coauthors: Logan Wait

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★★★★ $4
Roger Montandon & Logan Wait
Not Primigenial by Roger Montandon & Logan Wait

These two funnymen have combined to present twenty-six effects, bits, and gotchas for magicians and mentalists to liven up your act. The various items used include money (bills and coins), cards, cigarettes, cigars, and rope. Especially good is "It's a Matter of Money," which is based on an Annemann principle but uses money instead of cards. It's one you will want to put in your act right away.

Here's a look at the table of contents:

  • Elusive Bill
  • The Invisible Rope
  • Don't Waste It
  • Snakes Alive
  • Anyone Have a Ten?
  • It Slipped In
  • Holding the Bag
  • Optical Delusions
  • Turn-Over
  • Pipe Dreams
  • Banker's...