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Scott K. Anderson

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★★★★★ $3
Scott K. Anderson
40 Tricks with a Hot Rod by Scott K. Anderson

The Hot Rod is one of those great items that can be used to perform dozens of very different effects. This ebook provides clear instructions and ideas for getting the most out of your Hot Rod or any color changing rod.

  • Introduction
  • The Hot Rod
  • Various Moves
    1. Mouth
    2. Through Fist
    3. Swing
    4. D
    5. Little D
    6. Wheel
    7. Throw In Air
    8. Push Vanish
    9. Thumb Palm
    10. Finger Palm
    11. Thumb Vanish
    12. Another Vanish
    13. One In Each Hand
    14. Two In One Hand
    15. Lock
    16. Rubber
    17. Half And Half
  • Tricks With Household Items
    1. To A Pretzel
    2. To A Rolled Bill
    3. To Paper
    4. To A Cigarette
    5. To A Silk
    6. Through Silk
  • Tricks Made With Things...