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Seven Circles Volume 5 (January 1934 - June 1934)
by Walter Gibson

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Seven Circles Volume 5 (January 1934 - June 1934) by Walter Gibson
This product is also part of:

Number 1 (January 1934)

  • Editorial
  • Around the Magic Circle
  • Stage Effects: The Mysterious Cocoanut Shell Fountain Illusion / Clayton Lowell Jacobsen
  • Effective Card Tricks
    • Stand For Producing And Vanishing Cards / Signor Joseph Ovette
    • The Slide Discovery / Dr. Raoul Brochu
  • European Section: A Rope And Ring Trick

Number 2 (February 1934)
  • Editorial
  • Around the Magic Circle
  • Effective Card Tricks
    • Grant's Four Ace Trick / U. F. Grant
    • Reverse Reverse
  • Stage Effects: The Target Of Doom Illusion / Clayton L. Jacobsen
  • European Section: Affinity of Letters And Numbers / Will Blyth
  • Ovette's Bird and Cage Illusion / Signor Joseph Ovette

Number 3 (March 1934)
  • Editorial
  • European Section: A Publicity Card Trick / Wilfrid Jonson
  • Sensational Magic: An Impromptu Silk Penetration / Dr. E. G. Ervin
  • Stage Effects: The Barrel of Diogenes Illusion / Clayton L. Jacobsen
  • Around the Magic Circle
  • Vanishing and Appearing Silk / Glenn C. Gravatt

Number 4 (April 1934)
  • Editorial
  • Around the Magic Circle
  • Stage Effects: The Nixon Bamboo Frames
  • Nixonian News Shot: W. E. Salisbury
  • Originality Gone Astray / Wilfrid Jonson

Number 5 (May 1934)
  • Editorial
  • IMC Convention, Detroit, June 11-17
  • Around the Magic Circle
  • Stage Effects: A Complete 55 Minute Ghost Show / Doc Nixon
  • Effective Card Tricks
    • Perfection Card Locator
    • A New Reversal
  • Nixonian News Shots

Number 6 (June 1934)
  • Editorial
  • Around the Magic Circle: Nixonian News Shots
  • Fifth Annual Conclave / Joe G. Lightner
  • Think and Spell / Wilfred Jonson

word count: 37170 which is equivalent to 148 standard pages of text