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Side-Show Tricks Explained
by Hereward Carrington

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Side-Show Tricks Explained by Hereward Carrington

Sword swallowing, fire eating, feats of strength, juggling secrets,...

In this Little Blue Book I have described and explained most of the tricks which are to be seen in the typical Side-Show, whether in the circus or elsewhere. The historical side of this subject has already been dealt with quite fully by Houdini, in his book Miracle Mongers and Their Methods, but very few actual explanations are therein given, despite the title and I feel assured that the present little book covers the subject in a more complete manner than any other single volume which has so far appeared. Animal Tricks, and the tricks of professional gamblers, require separate treatment, and these will doubtless be dealt with in other Little Blue Books. For the rest, this book constitutes an all-round exposition, and I trust that the reader may find both instruction and edification therein.

  • Introductory
  • Side-Show Freaks
  • Dancing On Broken Glass
  • The Ladder Of Swords
  • "The Human Pin Cushion"
  • Fire Eating
  • "The Living Gas Jet"
  • Drinking Molten Lead
  • Drinking "Burning Oil"
  • Biting Red Hot Iron
  • Fire Fighting Mouth Washes
  • Miscellaneous Tricks
  • Feats Of Strength
  • Juggling Tricks

1st edition 1928, 33 pages; PDF 17.
word count: 7894 which is equivalent to 31 standard pages of text

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